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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад



Neluns Innovative and Effective Ecosystem

Nowadays, the cryptocurrency field is still evolving, but people who deal with this have different problems. These are the lack of instruments and services, exchange challenges as well as the lack of regulation of different systems. That’s why the system Neluns appears on the scene, in order to make the cryptocurrency market more professional and opened one. The main aim is to solve the problems by proposing a new system, simple and effective, available for everyone and convenient at the same time.    The key elements of actions people may perform:  

  • Open IBAN account; 
  • Sell and buy cryptocurrencies of different types; 
  • Make transactions; 
  • Gain profits and dividends; 
  • Eliminate the risks of different actions    

Ecosystem structure and organization

The structure of innovative system worked out and created by Neluns consists of three equal and important components, which is Bank, Insurance and Exchange itself. All of the components are innovative and trustworthy. The main aim of the Neluns is to connect the existing financial market to the crypto one.   

Start your journey into the world of cryptocurrency and get involved

At first, every user has to pass the verification process and have the three stages of verification. The first one – is your e-mail verification, which is a usual procedure everywhere. The next step is phone number approval and the last one is identity recognition. After the last stage, you will have the access to the Bank and Exchange services.   

Tree components in detailed view

The first one – Bank, – is legal and regulated. It is commercial and has a silence. Users will be able to deal with different currencies and create bank account more easily without any risks.    Every user may download the official application of the system and be closer to the financial market. It is possible to carry out different operation very quickly and much more easily. The app is available for both the iOS and Android platforms.    One more peculiarity of these bank cards is that you can pay using Contactless methods of payment. So, the system is up to date.  Insurance. This separate element of the ecosystem is responsible for the coverage of the possible risk. With the development of the system, the insurance type will be also expanded, for now, there are only two types.    Exchange uses the bank guarantee principles, so this is one are trustworthy, and it is linked to the bank accounts of users. The system is protected from cyber attacks and digital criminals activities.

Website: https://neluns.io/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Neluns/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/theneluns
Telegram: https://t.me/TheNelunsChat
Medium: https://medium.com/@iconeluns
Whitepaper: https://neluns.io/static/ver165/whitepaper/whitepaper.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4694028

Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1937264  

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