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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Online io

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Good day my dear friends, today I want to tell you about a very cool and technological platform.Online.io implements a decentralized ecosystem that integrates the functions needed for faster, safer and more personalized Internet use. In addition, thanks to The online platform.io, developed using the most advanced Blockchain technology, Internet users and website operators will benefit equally.On the Internet, users often encounter advertising, but it happens as advertising normal, nothing threatening, and can be malicious which includes not only virus SOFTWARE, but also can track your personal data, up to recording video audio from your device. As shown by the latest high-profile news, I can "merge" your information to third-party companies to influence the outcome of an event.
According to a 2016 survey, 91% of consumers believe that digital advertising is more annoying than two years ago, and 81% of them said that they closed the browser or left the web page due to pop-UPS.
Online.io offers enhanced user data protection due to the added security of Blockchain technology, which will allow to eliminate the collection and use of demographic and behavioral profiles without prior approval. Internet users will be able to rate each website according to their experience, this will lead to ranking of trusted websites.
In today's society, companies use online tracking methods and behavioral profiles. Very sensitive information, such as financial and medical records, is often collected, leading to a variety of privacy issues.

Online.io uses blocks tracking scripts, which will significantly complicate the possibility of further tracking in real-time.
The massive expansion of the Internet leads to a sharp increase in cyber-attacks aimed at collecting confidential information. One of the most important ways to carry out cyber attacks is an infected website, which usually contains hidden malware scripts.

The development team of the project
A. Iulian Florea - General Director and founder
Alexandru Eftimie - chief technical officer
Sebastian Dracopol-development Manager
Rostyslav Bortman-Developer
Roman Korzh-development Consultant
Andrew Mikhailov-Researcher
Liliya Girinova-Business analyst
Anatoliy Gordienko - the Leading expert of Javascript
Vadym Dolzhenko - Developer
Alexandru Dobrin-Art Director
Alexandru Danete-customer service
Online.io will protect users by using anti-virus scripts and ad blocker that will protect their personal data and enhance their security.
People understand that online advertising slows down their browsing speed, so more users use ad-blocking devices to speed up navigation on the Internet.

Online.io users will benefit from the use of ad blockers, and will enjoy a more secure and personalized system. In addition, web operators may monetize the content of their website.
Online.io will add extensions for all major desktop and mobile browsers and which include ad blockers, tracking script blocking, anti-virus protection and web wallets. The voting system will also be integrated.
Online.io mobile app will work as a wallet, ad unit, script lock tracker and antivirus. The mobile application will also contain performance amplifiers, which in turn will not affect the battery life of the gadget.
Online.io uses the standard ERC20 token from the Ethereum platform, which provides full transparency and reporting, which means that all transactions will be visible in the public blockchain.
Online.io wallets will work on all major operating systems and browsers. Your phone and tablet will have one app for your wallet, ad blocker, tracking script, antivirus protection and desktop operating system, will also have a special app wallet.
Detailed information about the token sale.
Online.the io token (OIO) is generated once and sold on the Genesis Token Generation. Of the maximum amount of tokens generated, 15% of the OIO will be held by the company for 1 year by the company and will not be available for sale during that time. After the ICO Token Generation, OIO tokens will be available on various exchanges.
The operators of the web site implementing the solution Online.io must have the token OIO to get ICE tokens depending on the amount of time that visitors spend on their web page. The OIO tokens needed to manage the site will be stored in the Ethereum smart contract.
ICO highlights

Token sale
Token Price: 0.04 Eth
Total amount: 2 500 000 000
Beginning: 15-06-2018
End: 31-07-2018
The project called Online has brought together under its wing talented people to prevent fraud with advertising, and cleaning the Internet from spam, which takes a large share of the pleasure of using the Internet.
Online will provide a set of tools such as ad blocker, built-in wallet, tracking blocker, antivirus software.
More information can be found at the following links:

Official site https://online.io/
Bitcointalk ANN https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3452258
Whitepaper https://online.io/download/OIO-Whitepaper.pdf
Join the telegram channel https://t.me/OnlineIO
Tweeter https://twitter.com/OnlineIO_
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Online.io/
Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1725951

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