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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад



Welcome my dear readers. My review, I want to open the doors to the world of cryptocurrency. All countries in the world with oil refineries (refineries) face the same unsolvable problem. It is about storage and disposal of waste oil refining. In the processing of modern heavy grades of oil, the share of waste reaches a huge value, at the level of 10-20%.
A lot or a little? In absolute figures, we are talking about 10 million barrels of oil per day or about 1 million 350 thousand tons.
Most refineries are currently surrounded by storage facilities and lakes with useless black mass that pollute the planet's surface. And every year the amount of waste continues to grow.

Existing solutions for waste processing (thermal and chemical cracking) are too expensive and at the same time ineffective.
There is a huge unrealized demand for new technologies,
allowing to significantly increase the depth of oil refining and the amount of petroleum products.

Papusha Rocket Technology -Website: https://papusha.io/ru/ the world's First rocket‑space technology of producing fuel from coal and waste oil from the developer of the program "Energy-Buran" academician A. I. Papusi

The transonic combustion technology developed by A. I. Papushey for the elimination of supertoxic waste has found its application in the field of oil refining: thanks to small modifications, the innovative installation was able to do the previously impossible – from practically unused waste oil to produce such popular products as gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and very valuable synthetic oil.

PRT ICO creates the production of small-sized plants for the processing of heavy oil residues, with the production of liquid fuel using transonic combustion technology. The daily generated new waste from refineries around the world is 1.35 million tons. One PRT-2 unit, depending on the capacity, processes 30-90 tons of waste per day. The volume of PRT-2 units required for the market is tens of thousands.
This technology was included in the UN list under the name of the author of "Papusha Rocket Technology" (PRT) and on its basis this ICO is launched.

The author of the unique technology
Papusha Anatoly-author and head of development. Doctor of technical
Professor, Laureate of the state prize of the USSR, Academician of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences; Russian Academy of cosmonautics; Russian ecological Academy; Academy of geopolitical problems.
A. I. Papusha is one of the brightest representatives of the legendary national school of rocket and space industry, as well as a pupil and follower of the brilliant developer of engines for spacecraft V. p. Glushko.

Setting PRT academician Papusi
On the basis of high achievements of the Russian rocket and space technology, a new type of transonic high-temperature combustion was developed and fragmentary brought to industrial use.

Small PRT-2 units allow to produce up to 60% of liquid fuel at the output. There are no analogues of PRT-2 in the world, and several large oil refineries are already very interested in its acquisition.
The price of selling a new and ready-to-use PRT-2-30 unit is about$ 950 000, which is several times less than the cost of less effective competitors ' offers. The payback of the installation at the most modest estimates comes in 5-7 months, which is a record for the industry. PRT-2 units will be produced of 3 types of capacity: 30, 60 and 90 tons of processing per day.

Oil refining companies receive the following benefits when using the technology " Papusha Rocket Tehnology:

Obtaining expensive gasoline and diesel fuel from the remaining waste from oil refining
Cost savings due to abandoning the contents of storage and settling tanks
Improvement of the environment.

PRT token application and prospects
To understand the value of the PRT token, as well as its growth prospects, we first collect all the necessary data:
It is based on the low power setting PRT-2
● Cost price 450.000$
● Sale price is$950,000
● Net profit from one PRT - 2 500.000$

The company has created a simple and understandable for investors binding of the token, with a finite growth potential. From each sold PRT-2 unit, 15% of the sale amount is sent to the "liquidity Fund". The company undertakes to send this amount from the liquidity Fund for the purchase of tokens from the market and their purchase within the next 3 months (from the date of sale).
15% of $ 950.000 is$142.500. It doesn't punch a hole in the work.
companies, considering the net profit from each sold installation in
the amount of 500.000$
By purchasing PRT tokens you make a contribution to saving the planet and get all the advantages of token holders
Toughening environmental requirements emphasize the relevance of the development, and the favorable economy of the token allows investors to profit from the real sector of the economy. It should be noted that the profit of the project is formed not only due to the implementation of installations. Customers can also rent a PRT-2 or benefit from sharing it.

The current round of "Private Sale": 01.06.2018 - 22.08.2018
Next round "ICO": 22.08.2018 - 22.10.2018
Token name: PRT
Blockchain: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Hard Cap: 13500 ETH
Total number of tokens: 100 000 000
Available for sale: 75%
The price of a token: 1 ETH = 3500 PRT
All unsold tokens will be destroyed!
More info in:
Website: https://papusha.io/ru/
White Paper: https://papusha.io/files/Whitepaper_RU.pdf
Technicalpaper: https://papusha.io/files/Technicalpaper_RU.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/prt_chat
Twitter: https://twitter.com/papushatech
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Papusha-Rocket-Technology-241396259943698
Medium: https://medium.com/@papusha_ICO
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4497480.0
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/papushaico/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYV0zOPkYjsdPb34uAvvlNw

Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1725951

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