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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

PumaPay - Comprehensive Pull Payment Protocol!


Have you ever thought about how convenient it is to use plastic cards and online banking? In the world, about 65% of people use credit and debit cards, making millions of transactions every day. They form the basis of on-line payments. But technology does not stand still, and the current payment system does not meet all the needs of today's global economy. The popularity of such a system in our time rests only in the absence of alternative solutions.

If you look, the payments by plastic cards have a number of significant drawbacks:
1. Payment delay up to 5 working days;
2. Large commissions from 3 to 15%;
3. Risks of theft of these cards through online payments;
4. Risks of payment refund (for business owners).

The last few years in the field of online payments is gaining popularity payment cryptocurrencies. Many trading networks and online services began to accept bitcoin and several more popular currencies. This method of payment is promising, but to date little is recognized, as it has several disadvantages:

  1. Charge time 20-60 minutes;
  2. Lack of flexibility-a simple transaction in the form of payment.

More recently, I got acquainted with the PumaPay project, which is able to eliminate shortcomings and provide a comfortable solution to our daily tasks.

PumaPay is a free direct debit protocol that combines the best of traditional payment system and blockchain technology. PullContract's innovative technology allows you to create any kind of smart contracts that were previously inaccessible or inappropriate to use. With its help, the seller can create their own types of payments that are suitable for his business processes. Ease of implementation will provide a set of software and APIs.

With the function of regular payments with a constant cost can I pay for any subscriptions. And with the help of payments on demand, I can pay utility bills. The funds will be debited from the account even without my participation through a smart contract and my prior consent. Giving your kids pocket money is now very simple - you just need to set a spending limit.

An interesting introduction is the option "split between multiple accounts". It is aimed at instant profit distribution in the affiliate business. A striking example of application is a network business or a recommended business. Now there are no borders and delays due to currency conversion when transferring funds to another country.

All transactions in the system will occur using the PumaPay token(PMA). The project is founded by a strong team with more than 20 years of experience in the field of large volume of transactions. To date, the strategy has been developed to enter the market in several stages:

  1. The first partners who decided to completely switch to the PumaPay model and integrate it into their business. Here are some of them:
    Снимок экрана 2018-05-05 в 22.21.20.png
  2. Developing an application for users who will find companies accepting payments for their services in PMA tokens will increase their popularity;
  3. The participants create a services-based protocol PumaPay.

Thus, the project will develop harmoniously ensuring smooth implementation of technology in different spheres of life. Demand for tokens will constantly grow, which will provide investors with a good profit.

I think the project has great prospects and is really aimed at simplifying the life of the common man and modernizing many areas of business.

Friends, if you liked the article and the idea of the project, I would be grateful if you support it with your voice and Express your opinion on this project!

More information you can find on these links:

PumaPay’s website: https://pumapay.io/

Telegram group: https://t.me/PumaPay

Bitcointalk Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2658299.0

My bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1187301

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