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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Payportal ico

Good evening, dear friends.India is a vibrant and diverse country, whose economy is becoming more and more integrated with the world economy. The extensive economic reforms undertaken in the last decade have had far-reaching consequences. GE Capital calls this country unique, PepsiCo finds it the fastest growing, and Motorola is sure it will turn into a global source. Operations in India have taken a Central position in the global activities of these giants.

A huge and ever-growing market, developing infrastructure, a complex financial sector, flexible regulatory environment, benefits, a stable state and a good economic Outlook make India attractive for investment. India's business environment is conducive to high levels and sustained growth.

India is currently on the path to open market economy, but still traces of the country's past policy remain. Economic liberalization, including the abolition of state control of industry, privatization of state-owned enterprises and the reduction of control over foreign trade and investment, began in the early 1990s and served to accelerate the country's economic growth, which averaged more than 7 per cent annually since 1997.

Payportal is a private company established in 2011, with many years of experience in the field of financial services. Payportal connects service providers with their customers using Payportal wallet online. The main place of activity is the city of Delhi, where more than 80 distributors and 2300 retailers operate under the company's management. In 2017, the company managed to increase the volume of processed payments by 45% compared to 2016.

More about Payportal
Payportal brings together service providers such as banks, mobile operators, digital and cable TV providers, utilities, etc., with the help of an online wallet. Companies use Payportal to provide their customers with more convenient and faster services, which in turn have a hassle-free way to access a variety of services and products using a mobile application or Web interface.

For its further development, Payportal decided to use blockchain technology. In particular, using the technology of decentralization, it will be possible to achieve a higher level of security and transparency in the work of Payportal. Also, blockchain will significantly facilitate the process of international money transfers. For transactions in Payportal will be a token PPTL. This is an ERC20 token created on the Ethereum platform. PPTL will be used for transfers, settlements and other financial transactions. If necessary, PPTL will be automatically converted to the currency needed by the client.

At the moment, the Pre-Sale of the project is taking place, it started on may 21 and will last until June 17, 2018. After the end of the preliminary sales, from June 18 to July 15, 2018, the main crowdsale of the project will be held. A total of 20 million pptl tokens will be issued, 14.5 million of them will be put up for sale. The price for one token is 0.002 ETH.

I see good prospects for Payportal, a professional team and a rich experience is definitely the key to success. I have already invested in this project, and I advise you to do it. If you are also interested, here are a few links on which you can find more information about this project:
Website: https://ico.payportal.in/
Whitepaper: https://ico.payportal.in/docs/White_paper_Payportal.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3285962.0
GitHub: https://github.com/pmrio/solidity
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PayPortal_India
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PayPortalOfficial/
Telegram: https://t.me/PPTLchat

Author of article: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1725951


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