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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Opiria & PDATA: New platform for personal information trading

  Today, tokens of the Opiria & PDATA project are quite popular for many reasons, the main one is the ability to sell not only material resources, but also some knowledge or information that can be very useful and valuable for the buyer. Thus, many users have already given their preference to this token on the crypto market.   

The most potentially important resource in modern reality is information. This is very important for those organizations that by the nature of their activities are simply forced to "monitor" the preferences and tastes of their consumers. Of course, this requires some personal data of buyers who will help to produce the most relevant products and stay competitive in the market. Some manufacturers allow themselves to use personal data of potential customers without their knowledge. In fact, in this case we are talking about a crime, because the use of personal data is prohibited at the legislative level. Such "behavior" can once and for all compromise the company and spoil their reputation in the market, so therefore many manufacturers and entrepreneurs began to look for legit opportunities to receive personal information of users.    

The Opiria platform is characterized by the fact that it has become one of the first such platforms where everyone can legally sell or buy personal information. Another feature is that trading on the platform is carried in the most transparent way, thanks to blockchain. Among other things, the platform guarantees the sellers full safety of personal data. Only you, and no one else, are entitled to use your personal data and your right is always under protection if you are a member of the Opiria project. 

Some features of the Opiria platform 

  Project work essence boils down to the following rules:  

  • Personal communication between the buyer and the seller;
  • No third parties involved;
  • Maximum protection of personal data;
  • Transparency, etc.

  Such a relationship between the buyer and the seller implies an initially friendly atmosphere and closer contact. Personal communication often becomes a decisive argument when choosing a future partner. For any relevant information, whether it is the result of a survey or other personal data, a member of the system receives a reward. Accordingly, each information can be evaluated differently. The more relevant the information is, the more PDATA tokens the user will receive for it, and the more popular the user's account will become.  

How it works? 

The Opiria platform work is based on the following principles:     

  • For any relevant information, the user receives a certain number of PDATA tokens that can be exchanged at the cryptocurrency market, and if desired, you can always withdraw funds to get cash;
  • The ability to choose the partners with whom you would like to cooperate;
  • Guarantee of confidentiality and security of any data;
  • The user has the opportunity to personally invent and develop new services that could be in demand at the market;
  • Some buyers can create thematic surveys for the platform participants, for which users can also receive rewards;
  • The real location of each participant of the system is assessed and is publicly available, which allows sociologists and marketers to draw certain conclusions for themselves;
  • User from any country of the world can become a member of the system;
  • The large amount of data transferred by the user to the Opiria platform makes user's account more "advanced" and interesting for the buyers of information.

  This description in general describes how the system work and allows you to get overall impression of the project.  

How successful was PDATA & Opiria ICO? 

PDATA token sale started in April 2018. It is worth noting, that the start was easy, as the platform was quite popular in the market already. The original idea of the project, plus hard work of a professional team and the belief in the success made the debut of the Opiria project loud and quite popular among users. In total, about 750 000 000 PDATA tokens were issued. Of course, not all the tokens were sold , and those that remained were burned by the developer.    

As for today the project is not launched worldwide, but the PDATA & Opiria roadmap suggests that the situation will change dramatically very soon. The roadmap itself looks like this:   


It should be noted that with the perseverance with which the team of developers is working on the project, this roadmap does not seem impossible and unreal.    

If you want to try to sell your personal data, then you can do it with maximum profit on the Opiria platform. According to analysts, the company is very effective and promising in the market of personal data trading.  


Web Page:  https://opiria.io/#  
WhitePaper:  https://opiria.io/static/docs/Opiria-PDATA-Whitepaper.pdf  
Twitter:   https://twitter.com/PDATA_Token  
Telegram:  https://t.me/pdatatoken  
BTT ANN:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3076122.0
Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1143460

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с May 2018
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