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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

4NEW – tokenizirovanny system on production of green energy!


The question of waste at became a serious question for our planet now. People create a large number of waste which consume the mass of energy for utilization that we could maintain modern quality of life. The lack of large-scale decisions has led to introduction of innovative technologies in this sector. Here actually and 4NEW wants to offer the idea in the embodiment of these important processes.

The project has begun the formation in 2015. Its founder    Varun Datta the businessman working at all continents. In his team masters a blockchain, marketing, the CEO and other technical specialists work. The idea consists in transformation of power branch namely the offer of an alternative source of income of energy. The idea has found support from many people. These are about 32 thousand in telegram 12 and 18 of thousand on twitter and Facebook respectively.

There is a lot of garbage on the planet that it harms the environment. On the suburb of villages, the cities and huge megalopolises it is possible to meet huge dumps which are subject to utilization. In Europe there is already a tendency to distribute waste on different containers for processing of separate groups of garbage. The platform suggests to expand this direction even more globally.
One more big problem    это electricity rise in price. From a part it is solved by the NPPs based on generation of the electric power from wind, water and the sun. But these options strongly depend on geographical conditions. And minerals reach a limit sooner or later. The Mining demands huge reserves of energy. Experts have counted that on energy from transaction 1 BTC the whole day of 30 African families can. Construction of the plants which will process all waste acts as the solution of the platform.

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4NEW  это the first-ever environmentally friendly solution of the problem of processing of waste in energy based on a blockchain.
The project 4NEW will release a coin which will perform function a coin as service for partners in branch, consumers and early users. It will be the decentralized integrated platform a blockchain with an open source code promoting exchange of transactions between business and business, business and the consumer and consumers among themselves connected with waste and the energy markets.

The concept of 4NEW is based on model of processing of waste to energy. In this model pay users for waste and sale of by-products such as fertilizers, organic materials and clear water. Initial costs of this mechanism are financed by sale of coins and overhead costs of the plant are financed by cash flows of the waste received from collecting and income from sale of by-products. Besides 4NEW and team 4NEW will hold a part of coins of KWATT which will provide the additional stream of income which is moving ahead.

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The coin of KWATT allows us to fraction output power of the power plant to the most fundamental and basic unit which makes kilowatt-hour. Moreover tying the power supply unit to a coin we for the first time can make the electric power mobile power plant so far supplies with the electric power backup. 4NEW has successfully configured a coin of KWATT which will be tied to electricity as we the producer of energy not exchange.

For achievement of the purposes the team of developers carries out by ICO with the purpose to attract investors to development of the platform and his further advance.
Token Sale:
Token: KWATT
The end of ICO - 10 Aug 2018

In 4NEW tokens have potential of smart contracts. They establish the obligatory relations between two participants of the transaction and provide value for each transaction. Each transaction is transparent for all parties that allows them to see the same operations and cost thus they considerably control a subject of a dispute and loss of income.
The token used on the platform for transactions makes payments and regulates use of the electric power households, the industry and private users is 4NEW coins. Each plant 4NEW has the minimum annual power about 40 000 tons per year of processing of waste.
Paygine will use markers of ERC20 which are generated by the clever contract on ETH blockchain.

Website: https://4new.io
Whitepaper: https://4new.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/4New_White_Paper_English-.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/EgIZbBDLYGHlhtbSS58i-Q
ANN Theard https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2990989

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