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6 лет назад

Quras - decentralized smart contract platform for IoT devices

I like IoT projects. They are very common in the world today. Corporations are achieving tremendous results and business benefits from investors in Big Data. Cultural challenge is a big impediment to the full adoption of Big Data. Despite the success, executives see this as a barrier to the full realization of the full value of Big Data in the corporate world.

So we gonna talk about Quaras. The Quras project has work hard to provide a smart and secure solution for a wide range of different applications. The decentralized Quras platform is a highly focused product that specializes in the safe exchange of data between IoT devices. Quras is a platform for smart contract and cryptocurrency that uses blockchain technology from anonymous platforms to share data between IoT devices and use this data to generate smarter responses from IoT devices by implementing machine learning.

The main principle of Quras project is to record the whole database in chronological order in such a way that it is available at any time on demand. Platform developers are trying to cover as many areas as possible for the application of the product they created. To do this, the project uses open source code, which with the help of smart contracts and tokens helps the user to keep all the stored data under control. The main project innovation is in creation of its own distributed accounting technology. This is Tangle, a distributed public database, wich is running on the DAG (direct asynchronous graph) protocol. This protocol was designed to address the shortcomings in blockchain. Each node in the DAG system has a processor that issues the transaction. So, it will be issued after the node approves the two previous transactions. As a result all nodes contribute to the security of the entire database.

Quras is an open source product, so the user completely manages his information. Quras provides maximum protection against viruses and external unauthorized intrusions. Using the platform, users can conduct transactions, create secure data warehouses with a high level of confidentiality.

So, Quras platform will use tangle distributed ledger system that has similar functions just like bitcoin and also support IOT devices. There are big difference - in Bitcoin network we have to pay small amount of transaction fees but in tangle we do not have to pay any fees because of the nodes. It is necessary for new node to verify previous two transactions and only a CPU power can computer can run it efficiently. Blockchain based Torrent like seed infrastructure will create a perfect data storage solution for IOT and cloud devices - it is the main point. I can tell you that this will be one of the great projects in future.

Quras gives the user full control over the management of their own data, while ensuring the protection from any external interference. Although the traditional cloud storage like Google cloud and other platforms, giving the data computing services, we need an efficient big data solution, the decentrlized cloud service providers, plus they don't have the all IOT services. We need private & secure decentralized solution for clouds & IOT.

Quras platform allows users to create or operate his/her own smart contracts or use the QURAS token to utilize the bigdata for numerous purposes. Due to this, the user can minimize the cost of collecting, processing, storing from IoT devices.

Initially, the Quras platform was used for healthcare. Using a decentralized platform in conjunction with smart contracts allowed for a high level of confidentiality of information. Now the coverage area of Quras includes the entire IoT space of this sphere, using the technology of anonymous zk-Snarks work.

As we can say, the consensus problem requires agreement among a number of processes for a single data value. We can say that some of the processes may fail or be unreliable in other ways, so consensus protocols must be fault tolerant or resilient. I think the processes must somehow put forth their candidate values, communicate with one another, and agree on a single consensus value.

The customary data spilling instruments were unequipped for taking care of the colossal system of data safely. Quras will deal with quicker and continuous surges of transactions in an exceedingly secure and mysterious system of the system by utilizing Blockchain and DAG convention.

The platform uses functional tokens that are planned to be utilized to pay compensation (QURAS tokens). As many projects today, QURAS coins are intended to provide users token and holder’s access to the QURAS platform. The platform and the QURAS coins are not for tentative venture or investments. We can say, that no promises regarding the future performance or value of QURAS coins are made but other privileges linked with having a QURAS coins are specified.

Project has a strong and highly qualified team that is able to achieve its goals as soon as possible. Quras platform is created by professionals. They know how to do the great products.

2017 (Q1) - Initiate initiative and technical verification
2017 (Q3) - Block chain development started
2018 (Q2) - Implementing anonymization by zero knowledge proof technology Implementation completed
2018 (Q2) - Implementation of anonymity Smart Contract
2018 (Q2) - Wallet version 1.0 released
2018 (Q2) - Block Chain Explorer Release
2018 (Q3-4) - Torrent launches implementation of ring signature
2019 (Q1-2) - Implement test test of DAG protocol
2019 (Q1) - Application test
2019 (Q3) - Anonymous browser release

Website: https://quras.io/
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4795475.0
Whitepaper: https://quras.io/whitepaper.pdf
Blog / Medium: https://medium.com/@qurasofficial
Telegram: https://t.me/QurasOfficialGroup
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QurasOfficial/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/qurasofficial

Plagiarism-checker: https://smallseotools.com/view-report/dd682f0c84e1fb22117a4d9332f0c3fe
Autor: Huggiescowboy
My Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1767749

All information is provided solely for information purposes and does not call you to action, to buying or investing. The author is not a financial expert, does not possess the necessary knowledge and can not properly assess the risks. All decisions on buying or investing are taken on the basis of your own judgments, and you are responsible for them. This article can not be regarded as an investment recommendation or investment advice!

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