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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад



The destruction of the world, the fate of the Gods.
The reason for this is that the mother of Odin was a jotunwoman (evil blood),
there was a lot of lies and ignorance between the gods, and the midgard snake,
the Fenriswolf and the evil jotts were constantly unhappy. This dishonesty,
treason, brotherhood and bloodshed eventually cause Ragnarok.

Ragnarok begins with the Fimbulwinter lasting three years without summer.
Then follows a snowstorm, cold, Hate and Skoll catches the sun and the moon and extinguishes them,
the stars extinguish, earthquakes arise, the Fenriswolf are struggling.
The midgard snake turns into anger so the sea washes over land.
The rooster in Jotunheimen, Fjalar, the rooster in Åsgård,
Gyllenkam and the black-and-white chicken in Hel glares and announces the day of the match.

Heimdall blows in the Gjallarhorn.
The dead break out of Hel and cross the big sea in the boat Naglefar who walks
out of Muspellheims with its jotts and with Loke as a helmsman.
The Valkyries get ready for the big battle.
Surt comes from the south with a blazing fire and sets the world on fire.

Berg collapses so that jotts stumble,
the sky is bursting and there is a hustle and bust of dead on Helvegen.
Yggdrasil jams and trembles.

Frøy is fighting against Surt. Fenriswolf swallows Odin,
but Vidar raises his father by bumping his sword through the wolf's heart.
Tor kill the Midgards snake, but falls dead after nine steps from the battlesite.
Loke fights Heimdall and both dies.
Surts fire burns all over the world and burns and kills everything.

The world tree does not fall, but the earth is sinking into the ocean.
Then a new, green and fertile world rises. At Idavollen, where Åsgård lay,
gathered the surviving gods; Vidar, Våle, Mode, Magne, Høder og Balder.
Liv and Livtraser, the only surviving people are living in Hoddmimer's forest.
They survive in the morning and become ancestors of all new people who later populated the world.

Original (4608x3456)

Location: Jæren, Norway
Camera: Nikon P900
No filter have been used
No editing have been made to these photos
Photographer: @flatman

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