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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


To date, access to the Internet is a significant part of the population of the planet Earth, and it would seem that the ease and simplicity with which people communicate via the Internet, should be present for a long time and in the transfer of financial assets. However, there is still no ideal, simple, affordable and inexpensive system of international payments that would satisfy all its users.

Today we will consider another project dedicated to the topic of financial transfers around the world. The teams of many projects undertake to solve the existing problem, however, as they say, the situation is still there. I will remind the distinguished reader of the problems associated with cross-border payments.

Existing problems:

  • High level of commission for transfers. With such a number of financial systems competing with each other, the commission, in my opinion, should have long ago become a thing of the past.
  • The low speed of these translations is traditionally realized with the help of the obsolete swift system.
  • Low level of security.
  • The lack of technology is simple and accessible to every translation.

The developers of the project Remiit https://remiit.io have decided to correct the existing state of affairs in the market and to release for the smartphone an application that will be able to resolve all existing problems at the moment. Traditionally, the project collects funds by crowdsfunding by issuing two types of REMD and REMI tokens. This platform will carry out cross-border transfers without using any middlemen, ensure maximum speed and almost absolute availability of the platform for any smartphone user.

According to tradition, the project Remiit https://remiit.io will use blockchain technology to implement its financial platform. The whole process of translation will take a few moments without involving financial intermediaries. The use of a two-tier system, according to the developers, should ensure the stability of the platform under constantly changing conditions and rates on the cryptocurrency market.

The desire of the project team to enter the cross-border payments market is quite feasible. Despite the huge number of competing projects, the existing problems in the field of cross-border transfers have never been solved by anyone, so the Remiit team will be able to create a truly comfortable buggy application, as well as a stable working platform on which it will work, the project may well take a decent place in the market. Do not forget that those who want to share this financial pie is very large, but up to now, most of the projects that want to give a decent solution to the world are in embryo. Will Remiit become a strong player in this field, we will find out very soon.

Website: https://remiit.io/
Whitepaper: https://remiit.io/static/remiit/images/Whitepaper_REMIIT_Eng.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/remiit

diimazavr https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1080044

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