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6 лет назад

About REPU!!!

About REPU

The REPU system (shortened from English meaning — reputation) is a revolutionary project that allows you to completely rethink the way social networks are perceived. REPU is a rating and feedback system based on decentralized blockchain technology. This technology allows you to completely replace the system of “likes” with the rating — both for users and for companies. The rating, subsequently, can be used as an assessment tool in various areas of the individual’s life — starting with professional skills, financial stability, and ending with all possible aspects of behavior and interaction with the public.

In simplier terms, it is a system of using comments and feedbacks to rate Companies, Individual, Product & Services

The system provides a platform for evaluating individual companies / products / employees — any user of the system has the opportunity to provide rating with a review for each element of the business. Thus, business owners get an opportunity to analyze every single unit of their company, and also perform a flexible communication with their customers.

REPU’s goal
The goal of REPU is to change the way of perception and interaction among social network users, through the use of the rating system, as well as the way of managing the company’s reputation, by obtaining real business ratings from users. An important objective is also the possibility of assessing a person in terms of professional qualities for the subsequent employment. This eliminates the subjective opinion of the recruiter and the impact of the resume on employment.

Here is REPU is here to improves the lives of people
Nowadays, social networks represent a huge database,nearly about every person on earth.By possessing this information,networks provide companies an opportunity to purchase advertising with maximum targeting of the audience of their interest.Thus, a company can create its own page on a social network to present its products /services to users.On the other hand,there are pages of ordinary users as individuals, where a person has the opportunity to blog,share photos and stories from his/her life, and also search for products / services on a social network.

REPU solution :
• Save time required to place rating and leave feedback
• Be objective and unbiased eliminating fake,irrelevant rating/feedback
• Employee feedback e.g. rating a specific employee and a restaurant separately
• Fragmentation. Combining social, professional, rating networks into a single unique platform.

Benefit for clients / users is that

It allows clients to evaluate any product up to a specific model / modification.
Evaluate any service — up to an individual employee who was consulting the user and / or was providing the service.
Recieve rewards for providing feedbacks: On many occasions, most feedbacks are given by clients who didn’t have a good experience with the company. Except off course these feedbacks are made compulsory in one way or another. To make users more interested in giving feedback to companies which will help them improve their services, rewards are introduced.

Benefit for company owners

It receives feedback about any products of the company, services, employees, etc. In the future, it makes it possible to improve the product / test individual services / niches — to receive feedback from real users.
Receive feedback on the performance of any part of their company — whether it’s an ordinary employee and / or department as a whole
Test and offer users to rate and evaluate new products before launching into the market Thus, from the economic standpoint, owners save considerable amount of money he could have incured as losses and use excess gains to reward clients for their help through feedbacks.
Now it is necessary for us to understand that to grow and improve in what we do, we must have feedback from users of our products. This allows Service providers to improve and grow their businesses.

The REPU Application
This is the platform were comments, rating and feedbacks about different products will be giving by clients and received by Companies/Service providers.

The developing REPU platform represents a multi-platform reputation service on the Internet. Wherein, it includes:

social reputation of the user
professional reputation of a person
reputation management service for companies and their products
The platform will be developed as:

Own web service and social network with binding user profiles in the networks Facebook, Vk.com, Instagram
Mobile application for iOS, Android, Windows Phone
Furthermore, it is planned to integrate the platform with existing social networks — Facebook, Vk.com, Instagram.
Some Key features for users:

Providing rating (scores) instead of “likes” for social content. Thus, the end user receives a new tool for assessing his/her livelihood, instead of the traditional number of subscribers.
Providing ratings and feedbacks about companies (banks, restaurants, airlines, insurance companies, cars, shops, shopping centers, etc.), as well as about their specific employees (by means of identification through the application on the smartphone).
Managing the company’s reputation for its owners. In addition to the traditional work with customer feedback, managers clearly see the “weak spots” within the company, through the ratings of specific employees and departments, in general. This allows you to see the complete situation in the company as a whole and to influence it.
Professional rating for recruiters — in addition to the traditional (social) rating of a particular user, a professional rating from clients is also introduced. Thus, when hiring, the recruiter, clearly sees the history of the applicant and can make a decision. Blockchain technology eliminates the possibility of forgery / deletion of reviews and ratings.
The rating system is designed to make a better world — this will force users to strive to create better content, be more sociable in everyday life, grow in terms professional qualities — all this, in an aftermath, can have an effect over his/her life and save money.

The REPU application will make use of REPU Token in rewarding clients who give feedbacks.

The REPU Platform & Token
REPU platform is an application that allows its users (ordinary citizens, companies, employers, recruiters, government officials, law enforcement officials, etc.) to use the rating and feedback system in everyday life. The platform is being developed as a separate project, which in the future is planned to be integrated into social networks (facebook, Vk.com, Youtube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat) and replace the existing system of “likes”. Ratings and feedbacks will function through the decentralized blockchain technology and smart contract.

REPU Token is a digital token called RepuCoin. It is a virtual currency that is used inside the platform to pay for the company’s reputation management services (monthly, quarterly, half year and annual subscriptions), rewarding users for ratings, and for internal payments for goods / services within the REPU infrastructure.

RepuCoin is a cryptocurrency, which is awarded to users who provide ratings within the system. RepuCoins are automatically generated by the REPU smart contract only when a company pays for reputation management services with its own means, so they are not being taken out of nowhere. Therefore, there will be no surplus of tokens on the market. RepuCoins are always secured by other currencies.

REPU tokens are created on the basis of Ethereum ERC-20. At the moment, we are working on technical description and specification of smart contracts. Information and open source code will be added later on. The REPU issue is limited to 250,000,000 REPU during the closed round, pre-ICO and ICO. Undistributed REPU that were issued for sale during the closed round, pre-ICO and ICO, will be frozen on the smart contract without the possibility of subsequent withdrawal or use (destroyed actually). The REPU issuance is programmed by a smart contract.

REPU has decided to strengthen REPU project, ICO investment model is what they are using. Firstly, it will allow all people who want to emerge as investors and make profits in the future by increasing the price of tokens or services within the token platform. Secondly, the financing method and the launch of REPU will increase in particular, and thirdly, the ICO is an obvious current method of investment accumulation.

WEBSEITE: http://www.repu.io/
WHITEPAPER https://repu.io/whitepaper.pdf
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/repuproject/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/repu_project
EIN PAPIER: https://repu.io/onepager_deu.pdf
BOUNTY THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2585547.0
TELEGRAMM: https://t.me/repu_official

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