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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Bounty campaign Ripaex

Ripa Exchange is a hybrid-decentralized exchange, with a strong focus on lowering the entry level of opening new exchanges and giving crypto traders safe and secure trading partners to operate with, on a daily basis. It is crucial acting right now in order to fix some problems, related to the market: users are frustrated by unreliable exchanges that run away with their funds, got hacked or do not sustain the load of a growing industry. Despite the effort of exchanges managers to offer efficient, reliable, and easy to use platforms to Trade, the entry prices for building such platforms is in the rage of 250-300 thousand euro (and that does not include personnel cost to give platinum customer support, platform infrastructure and daily expenses for the business). It is the aim of this project to give you an Open Source, efficient, reliable exchange platform and to give the needed liquidity to your newly created exchange from day one, so that you can focus on finding new customers, give platinum support and comply with all the heterogeneous laws in the industry. We want that the customer experience will be the sleekest possible, while making it safer to trade.

Bounty campaign will run from 3rd September 2018 - 12:00 UTC to 16th December 2018 - 12:00 UTC (15 weeks).

Note for participants of the first campaign:

  1. the participants of the first campaign were automatic kept registered for the second campaign. if they intend to carry out the same activities as the first campaign, they do not need to be re-registered to the form; if they intend to participate in other campaigns for which they are not registered, it is sufficient to register with the registration form (s) present in the bounty thread
  2. improvements updates have been made to this new campaign, so please read the bounty thread

Bounty pool calculation and distribution:
The stakes are assigned during the week following the delivery of each report form.
The distribution of the Ripa (XPX) coins of the bounty campaign (and thus the conversion of the stakes) will take place after the end of the campaign.
the stake of each type of campaign will be calculated in this way:
1 Stake = ( Bounty pool of the specific campaign / Tot stakes of the specific campaign ) XPX

Distribution of Rewards:

Bitcointalk Signature Campaign: 37.5% of bounty pool - 1,500,000 XPX
Facebook Campaign: 12.5% of bounty pool - 500,000 XPX
Twitter Campaign: 16.25% of bounty pool - 650,000 XPX
Content Creation: 12.5% of total bounty pool - 500,000 XPX
Video Creation: 12.5% of bounty pool - 500,000 XPX
Telegram: 2.0% of bounty pool - 75,000 XPX
Translation and Moderation Campaign: 7.50% of total bounty pool - 300,000 XPX

Bitcointalk Signature
37.5% of bounty pool - 1,500,000 XPX

In order to be admitted to this specific Bounty program, participant must first of all fill up this form: SIGNATURE FORM - https://goo.gl/forms/kOuciknhHvKIQN6A3
· Only Jr.Member rank or above can participate in this signature bounty program
· Participants have to register for the signature bounty program and wear the official avatar in order to participant in Signature bounty program
· Users are not allowed to change their signature in the middle of the campaign.
· To be eligible for reward All members need to post at least 10 valid posts per week wearing our avatar and have to keep both signature and avatar until the end of the bounty campaign.
· If participant doesn't reach 10 valid posts before end of week, No stake will be counted for that week. Only constructive posts count.
· Boards that count:
Only posts made in the "Alternate cryptocurrencies" section [with the exclusion of Marketplace (Altcoins) and its child boards] or in local language channels count.
Only 5 posts per week will be valid in the ripaex topic (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3759172)
Posts have to be more than 80 characters long to be counted as valid posts.

· To avoid spamming no more than 3 posts per day will be counted as valid.
· Negative trust received during the campaign will lead to disqualification and no pay will be received.
· No advertising of any other sites is admitted.
· Every week participants have to prepare a weekly activity report of presumed valid posts and fill up this WEEKLY REPORT FORM - https://goo.gl/forms/qtEbVkKeRnd1aI6z1, not reporting within the next week leads to renouncing the prize for that week.
· If your rank changes during the campaign, the new rank will apply from the next week. fill up the RANK FORM - https://goo.gl/forms/hFEYKvjWaiycG6Xn2 as soon as possible

Signature Stakes:
Jr. Member: 1 stake/week
Member: 2 stakes/week
Full Member: 3 stakes/week
Sr Member: 4 stakes/week
Hero Member: 6 stakes/week
Legendary: 8 stakes/week

Loyalty stakes: extra stakes will be awarded based on the number of consecutive weekly-stakes, according to this scheme:

  • 3 extra stakes after 3 weekly-stakes consecutive
  • 7 extra stakes after 6 weekly-stakes consecutive
  • 12 extra stakes after 8 weekly-stakes consecutive

Spreadsheet link:

Facebook 12.5% of bounty pool - 500,000 XPX

Follow us on Facebook and put "like" and "share" to our posts, we will post all news, insights and updates of Ripaex.
In order to be admitted to this specific Bounty program, participant must first of all fill up this form: FACEBOOK FORM - https://goo.gl/forms/AAf3tUoySCYbbtcX2
Participant account must have at least 200 friends. Facebook account must be original and active.
Like our Facebook page for stakes to count.
Only the following activities are valid:

  • Share + like official post Ripaex; Limit: maximum 1 per day (so maximum weekly = 7)
  • Sharing posts created with your FB profile. Conditions: must contain a constructive phrase + #ripaex + https://ripaex.io/ . Limit: maximum weekly = 3, on different days.
    Priority: the most recent posts take precedence.
    Shares and likes have to stay public until the end of the Bounty campaign
    Every week participants have to prepare a weekly activity report of presumed valid posts and fill up this WEEKLY REPORT FORM - https://goo.gl/forms/qtEbVkKeRnd1aI6z1, not reporting within the next week leads to renouncing the prize for that week.

Spreadsheet link:

Facebook stakes:
200-599 Followers/Friends: 1 stake per share+like
600-1500 Followers/Friends: 2 stakes per share+like
1500-3000 Followers/Friends: 3 stakes per share+like
3000+ Followers/Friends: 5 stakes per share+like

Twitter: 16.25% of bounty pool - 650,000 XPX

Follow us on Twitter stay up to date and retweet our news to your friends and followers.
In order to be admitted to this specific Bounty program, participant must first of all fill up this form: TWITTER FORM - https://goo.gl/forms/YuKkRknBHrjByMWv2
Participant account must have at least 200 friends. Twitter account must be original and active.
Only the following activities are valid:

  • Retweets official @ripaex tweets; Limit: maximum 2 per day (so maximum weekly = 14)
    Priority: the retweets of the most recent tweets take precedence.
  • Tweets created with your Twitter profile. Conditions: must contain a constructive phrase + #ripaex + https://ripaex.io/ . Limit: maximum 2 per day (so maximum weekly = 14)
    Retweet/Tweet have to stay public until the end of the Bounty campaign.
    Recent Twitter audit should be more than 90% of real followers, most of them have to be people interested in cryptocurrency. Twitter Audit: https://www.twitteraudit.com/
    Every week participants have to prepare a weekly activity report of presumed valid posts and fill up this WEEKLY REPORT FORM - https://goo.gl/forms/qtEbVkKeRnd1aI6z1, not reporting within the next week leads to renouncing the prize for that week.

Spreadsheet link:

Twitter stakes:
200-599 followers: 1 stake per tweet/retweet
600-1499 followers: 2 stakes per tweet/retweet
1500-4999 followers: 4 stakes per tweet/retweet
5000-9999 followers: 6 stakes per tweet/retweet
10.000+ followers: 8 stakes per tweet/retweet

Telegram 2% 75.000 xpx of bounty pool divided into 2 types of activities:

  1. TELEGRAM "admin report" (1% = 37,500 xpx: )<<

Join our Telegram group then post about us on your own Telegram group (https://t.me/ripaex) or channel
In order to be admitted to this specific Bounty program, participant must first of all fill up this form: TELEGRAM FORM - https://goo.gl/forms/QRpZiWHc673cv9Wz1
Only posts from group administrators are valid.
It’s considered valid maximum of 1 post per day is allowed in each group.
Groups with fake members (invited without permission) will be disqualified.
Every week participants have to prepare a weekly activity report of presumed valid posts and fill up this WEEKLY REPORT FORM - https://goo.gl/forms/qtEbVkKeRnd1aI6z1, not reporting within the next week leads to renouncing the prize for that week. (Insert link of screenshot on "Link Activity Report")

Spreadsheet link:

Telegram "Admin report" stakes:
100-249 Members: 1 stake/post
250-749 Members: 2 stakes/post
750-2499 Members: 4 stakes/post
2500+ Members: 6 stakes/post

  1. TELEGRAM "avatar report" (1% = 37,500 xpx:)<<

To participate in this specific bounty program you must join our Telegram group: (https://t.me/ripaex) and fill out this registration FORM - https://goo.gl/forms/iLp08aUPRmxPSAPg2
The participant must set the ripaex logo as avatar and write ripaex.io in his telegram profile name (example: myprofilename | ripaex.io)
Every week on random days we will verify if the participants' accounts comply with the terms indicated above.

Telegram "avatar report" stakes:
Each participant will receive 1 stake for each valid weekly activity.

Spreadsheet link:

Video Creation 12.5% of bounty pool - 500,000 XPX

This is special prize for creating Youtube/Vimeo videos, including interviews.

Videos must be quality acceptable.
Videos must have 100 views minimum.
Video must contain only unique content, publicly accessible and duration must be longer than 2 minutes.
Copying other videos content is not allowed. (You can use official images, logos, graphics posted in website, ANN thread, Medium, Facebook, and Twitter).
Videos must be relevant to the Project, Token sale, Whitepaper, Innovative solutions.
Videos with fake views will not be paid.
Videos must have 2 links to the official project (Website, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, ANN thread.)
For each video created the participant must fill up this form: VIDEO FORM - https://goo.gl/forms/pVxvRzkTVIzhSGl02

Spreadsheet link:

Stakes earned depending on quality:
Rejected= 0 stake
Sufficient = 1 stakes
More than Enough = 2
Good = 3 stakes
Very Good = 4 stakes
Extraordinary = 5 stakes

Content Creation 12.5% of total bounty pool - 500,000 XPX

Articles and blogs must be quality acceptable.
Article must be in English, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Dutch, French, Japanese languages or any language for blogs with 1000+ followers, contain only unique content, publicly accessible.
Copying other publication content is not allowed. (You can use official images, logos, graphics posted in website, ANN thread, Facebook, and Twitter).
Articles must be longer than 700 words. Articles below 700 words will not be accepted.
Articles must have 2 links to the official project (Website, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, ANN thread.)
For each content created the participant must fill up this form: CONTENT CREATION FORM https://goo.gl/forms/AZOq4MQG4mR0vAPi2

Spreadsheet link:

Articles and blog posts will be rewarded according to their content quality:
Rejected= 0 stake
Sufficient = 1 stakes
More than Enough = 2
Good = 3 stakes
Very Good = 4 stakes
Extraordinary = 5 stakes

TRANSLATION & MODERATION 7.5% of total bounty pool - 300,000 XPX

How to participate:

In order to be admitted to this specific Bounty program, participant must first of all fill up this form: TRANSLATION & MODERATION FORM - https://goo.gl/forms/1yxDmGy0LVcqfr953
Selected candidates will receive an email response and will be invited to participate in a special group chat.


Reservation requests on bounty thread will be ignored.
Every kind of work must first be approved by team. So please don't start working until we approve you. Unapproved translations/moderations will not be paid.
Only for 1-2-3-4: Translations have to be original and professional, using translation tools like google translate leads to disqualification.
Only for 1 e 5: A single dead thread/group will not be paid, it’s detrimental to the project. Translators/moderators must be responsible and moderate their threads/group while keeping them active. Publish news and updates regularly.
Only for 1: Translators-moderators are applied to wear Ripaex signature and avatar and have to keep both signature and avatar until the end of the bounty campaign.
Only for 4: participants will have to publish the translated articles their own blogging account (Medium, Steemit, Wordpress or others platforms) and then they will have to communicate the links to the ripaex bounty managers.

Types of translations/moderations and relative stakes:
1 Official ANN and Bounty Thread translation and moderation. Reward= 60 stakes
2 Translation of Whitepaper. Reward= 140 stakes
3 Translation of Website. Reward= 60 stakes
4 Translation Ripaex post (official articles). Reward= 10 stakes
5 Creation and moderation of unofficial telegram group (min. 50 members)= 50 stakes

To prevent fraud and theft, the wallet address provided during signup cannot be changed for any reason.
We reserve the right to remove from any campaign user spamming, cheating or using multi-accounts. Negative trust are not allowed to join this campaign, negative trust received during the campaign will result in permanently banning from any campaign, all stakes will be deleted.
We reserve the right to remove any user from any campaign if there is a suspect of their dishonesty: we will not give any explanation.
Users may not be accepted in the campaign for any reasons.
We reserve the right to change, modify, add or remove portions of these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice and you accept and agree to the changes. It is your responsibility to check these Terms periodically for changes.
We reserve the right to change the final reward of the campaign if not a minimum number of participants is reached.
Joining our Telegram or Slack channel after registering to the bounty campaign is not mandatory but highly appreciated.

Website: https://ripaex.io/
Whitepapper: https://github.com/RipaEx/whitepaper/raw/master/eng/RipaEx_WP_EN.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3759172
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4510008
Telegram: https://t.me/ripaex
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ripaex
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ripaex
Personal: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2221874
ETH WALLET: 0x941E920177FF53B3AAF805fA424d4E6469Fe38d8

0.055 GOLOS
На Golos с May 2018
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