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6 лет назад

ROCKZ - World's Most Bulletproof Cryptocurrency

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Cryptocurrencies are one of the most important inventions since the inception of the web. They are ushering in a new era of decentralization, privacy, and control of one’s own data that has the potential to revolutionize many parts of society. There are currently over one thousand cryptocurrencies in use, with hundreds more being released each year. Their combined market cap has grown from $10 billion in 2016, to over $400 billion at the time of writing, having previously been much higher.

The increasing prominence of cryptoeconomics in the last five years is to a large extent the result of the growth of cryptocurrencies and digital tokens, and brings a new, and interesting, dimension to cryptography. While before cryptography was, by and large, a purely computational and information-theoretic science, with strong guarantees built on security assumptions that are close to absolute, once money enters the picture the perfect world of mathematics must interact with a much more messy reality of human social structures, economic incentives, partial guarantees and known vulnerabilities that can only be mitigated, and not outright removed.

While a cryptographer is used to assumptions of the form "this algorithm is guaranteed to be unbreakable provided that these underlying math problems remain hard", the world of cryptoeconomics must contend with fuzzy empirical factors such as the difficulty of collusion attacks, the relative quantity of altruistic, profit-seeking and anti-altruistic parties, the level of concentration of different kinds of resources, and in some cases even sociocultural circumstances.

The main problem of today’s crypto industry is the absence of a solid connection with the real economy.

Crypto markets are very easy to enter, but exiting market is associated with costs, risks and difficulties. These days many teams are trying to develop stable cryptocurrencies to facilitate global adoption and avoid risks that are mentioned above.

Claiming Tether is the best-known solution to this problem, thus the reason for the ROCKZ project. Rapid growth and over $2bn market capitalization shows massive demand for such stable coins. However, Tether and other similar asset-backed coins have many flaws that ROCKZ does not have.

ROCKZ is suitable for all crypto investors who need a financially stable coin, can be legally enforced and supported by the world’s most stable currency – the Swiss Franc. ROCKZ is here to create a truly reliable and stable cryptocurrency that will become a solid bridge between the traditional and digital economies and that’s the reason ROCKZ was created.

ROCKZ is the world's most bulletproof cryptocurrency. The ROCKZ mission is to make the cryptocurrency market transparent, safe and trusted for its users, so that we can secure the reputation and full potential of blockchain developments and the cryptosphere for future generations.

ROCKZ is a service, not a commodity. Its success will be measured, not in the extreme valuations of the coin, but in the number of people who trust it as their ‘port in a storm’.

The objective for ROCKZ is to be widely recognized, trusted and used by both professional investors and private participants of the new crypto reality. We have a stated aim of achieving a minimum 3% market share, making ROCKZ an essential part of the cryptosphere architecture.

In addition, ROCKZ is a cryptocurrency backed by Swiss Francs, the most stable national currency which has been steadily strengthening for more than 30 years! For every issued ROCKZ, 1 Swiss Franc is held by the ROCKZ company for the coin holders’ account.

The reason for Swiss Francs is because ROCKZ centers around the CHF not just on account of the key job Switzerland is playing in the improvement of crypto currencies, yet first in light of the fact that the CHF offers genuine insurance against inflation and devaluation. In the course of the most recent 50 years, the United States Dollar (USD) has lost 78% of its incentive to the CHF. Notwithstanding when the CHF pays negative loan costs, the money has been increasing in value. As it were, CHF has been, as of not long ago, the Bitcoin of the traditional markets: the cash of a little nation with a restricted supply.


The mission is to make the cryptocurrency market more transparent, secure and reliable for its users and to secure the blockchain's reputation and potential for future generations.


The Rockz team intends to safely connect the world of virtual currencies to the real economy, provide ways to improve profits, and eliminate all risks associated with exchange work and opposing parties.

ROCKZ Platform

The ROCKZ platform is designed for several types of users:

  • Early Crypto Adopters

Private crypto investors who have successfully completed investments in the cryptosphere and want to protect their wealth by sheltering it from market, security and counterparty risks. ROCKZ offers a ‘safe harbour’ for their wealth when the seas gets rough.

  • Institutional Crypto Investors and Fund Managers

Institutional investors are increasing their participation in this new asset class. For both short and long term trading, they require a mechanism to pause between periods of investment activity.

  • Corporates, Service Providers and Private Investors

ROCKZ is designed for corporations investing directly for their own account, and service providers acting on behalf of their clients, as well as private individuals who wish to receive payments in cryptocurrencies, but are unwilling to take the market risk related to main coins. All are looking for ease and convenient availability in the collection of their payments, while still maintaining the security and stable values of their assets. Again, ROCKZ suits all of their needs perfectly.

  • Crypto-Traders

Crypto traders systematically make several deals a day, or week , depending on their trading style. As was mentioned above, these users need an instrument that allows them to fix positions fast and switch to new target searches. Currently traders use Tether, being under counterparty risks, or Bitcoin, being under market risks. ROCKZ is constructed to avoid both of these risks. Long term investors share the same problems – and the same solution.

How It Works

Virtual currency RKZ will be issued by the company Alprockz AG, headquartered in Zug, Switzerland. This cryptocurrency will be provided by one of the most stable currencies in the world – the Swiss franc.

It is important to note that 90 per cent of the Swiss franc reserve will be kept in safe Deposit boxes in the form of banknotes. At the same time, the remaining 10 percent will be located on the deposits of the most reliable Swiss banking institutions, thereby ensuring a constant increase in the value of the virtual currency.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that all reserves will be stored on the terms of a trust mandate. This allows holders of RKZ tokens, even in the event of bankruptcy of the issuing company, to gain access to Fiat funds in Swiss banks.

The main users of this digital asset should be:

  • Cryptocurrency investors who want to protect their funds from risks;
  • Sellers of goods and services who want to use a reliable and secure cryptocurrency for their payments;
  • Miners who wish to legally convert earned tokens to Fiat;
  • Ordinary users who wish to store their own funds safely.

Unlike some existing today stablecoin, RKZ will ensure transparency in the process. In accordance with Swiss anti-money laundering legislation, RKZ foreign exchange reserves will be subject to an audit by an independent entity. The results of the audit will be placed in the personal account of each client. Thus, each owner of RKZ tokens will be able to get acquainted with the state of currency reserves at any time.

Security of customer funds is ensured by multi-factor authentication, which requires multiple signatures, as well as the use of biometric data to confirm access. In addition, customer funds are not stored on the RKZ platform, which is why hackers can not steal them. It is also important to pay attention to the presence of encryption algorithm P2PE, which is considered the most reliable as of today.

Fees within the platform will be charged for:

  • Delivery of RKZ to cryptocurrency holders;
  • Delivery of funds to owners of RKZ equivalent amount in Fiat currency;
  • Delivery of the equivalent amount of banknotes in Switzerland;
  • Providing partner licenses.

Ecosystem Architecture

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Within the framework of the platform, APZ tokens will also be launched, which will be sold during the ICO. These tokens provide investors with lifetime bonuses and benefits, including those that will appear in the further development of the site.

Why choose ROCKZ?

ROCKZ coins are fully backed by CHF Reserves, the strongest currency in the world, with 90% in physical form deposited in vaults and banks. By choosing a physical form at a level of 90%, coin holders don’t need to fear about the safety of the banks. ROCKZ is completely transparent as regards to Reserves held for coin holders and they are audited on a monthly basis.

ROCKZ coin holders have a legal right to CHF fiat currency in an equivalent amount of their investments. Even if the ROCKZ issuing company goes bankrupt, coin holders will get their legal claims against the ROCKZ issuing company transferred by vault operators and banks.

ROCKZ coin holders can transfer equivalent CHF fiat amounts to their designated bank or credit card account, or get notes physically delivered in Switzerland.

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Token and ICO Details

Alprockz (APZ) tokens are ERC-20 tokens issued by Alprockz AG during the ICO. The ROCKZ team created Alprockz (APZ) as a utility token, allowing users to access the ROCKZ platform, access discounts on transaction fees based on the maturity of their Alprockz (APZ) holding, and benefit from various services. The one-time amount issued will be up to 175 million APZ. APZ tokens not distributed will be burned.

Token Details

  • Token Name - Alprockz (APZ)
  • Token Type - ERC20
  • Basis Blochchain - Ethereum
  • Total Token Emission - 175,000,000 APZ
  • Tokens Available during Private Sale and ICO - 26,250,000 APZ
  • Private Sale Dates - 01.10.2018 - 30.01.2019
  • ICO Dates - Q1 2019
  • ICO Token Price - CHF 0.60 per APZ
  • Private Sale Minimum Buy-In Amount - CHF 1,000
  • ICO Minimum Buy-in Amount - 500 APZ or CHF 300 worth of value
  • Total funds to be raised (Hardcap) - CHF 12.6M

Private Sale Discounts

There are three buckets (approximately 5,833,000 tokens each) available on a "firstcome - first serve" basis.

  • 01.10.2018 - 15.11.2018 - 40% discount.
  • 16.11.2018 - 15.12.2018 - 30% discount.
  • 16.12.2018 - 30.01.2019 - 20% discount.

Token Distribution Structure

  • 60 % - Treasury (In escrow with vesting mechanism over minimum of 36 months)
  • 15 % - Founders, Core Team & Advisors (vesting plan over 18 months)
  • 10 % - Accredited Private Sale (vesting plan over 18 months)
  • 10 % - Early-stage/ seed investors
  • 5 % - Public sale

Road Map

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  • Alexey Borichev: Founder
  • Yassine Ben Hamida: Founder
  • Gabriel Rossetti: CTO
  • Manuel Banz: Governance Specialist
  • Marc Walpoth: Legal & Compliance
  • Hosam Mazawi: Marketing & Business Development
  • Patrik Griffith: Branding & Communication
  • Eduardo de Felipe: Branding & Communication
  • Ilya Dydykin: Software Development
  • Dmytro Grebennikov: Blockchain Project Manager
  • Vladimir Liulka: IT & Business Consulting, Software Development, Investments
  • Gustavo Colliard: Project Manager
  • Sebastien Hess: Head of Business Development
  • Frederic Mayunga: Cryptocurrency analyst
  • Claudia Sigg: Media & Communication
  • Tetiana Santos Pereira: Office Administration


  • Vadim Kuchinskiy
  • Reza Hedayat
  • Niall Carton
  • Tal Cohen

For more information, please visit:

Website: https://alprockz.io/
Whitepaper: https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/alprockz-docs/ RockzWhitePaperEnglish_v2 .pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5066575
Telegram: https://tele.click/ROCKZchat
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RockzPlatform
Facebook: https: // www. facebook.com / RockzPlatform /
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5068467.0

Author: JigaMola
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1847143

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