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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

ICO Review EON (EOT)

The Eontoken service is a new opportunity for everyone. 

Prerequisites for the appearance of Blockchain services: 

           With the advent of the year 2000, a new era in the gaming industry began, various projects began to appear, and many are successful to this day. The industry of computer and console games brings billions of dollars a year to its developers, these the amounts are very huge.  But not many game developers can boast of the success of their projects.  There are a lot of factors for this, for example: 

           High cost of marketing action A large staff is needed to service the project.  In many countries there is a high tax on the sale of games, for example, the United States.  These are the main problems, as a result, almost all the income goes to cover these factors, the developers receive a small profit.  Because of such problems, companies increase the cost of applications.  The solution to the problem was the Blockchain technology, in simple language, this technology offers users to share information in free access, eventually forming an ongoing chain.  It is reliably protected and can only be opened by the recipient.  It is used even at the state level: in accounting, legal offices, etc.  And most importantly it is the distributor Bitcoin, known to all the cryptocurrencies.  Miners offer the opportunity for customers to safely transfer money to other wallets for a small commission.  Thus it becomes clear by what principle Blockchain services work.  In this case, the Eontoken platform helps users of computer technologies make new opportunities.  

           The activity of the platform and its structure 

           Eontoken is an innovative platform created for the purpose of distributing games and finding them with subsequent cooperation whenever possible.  Everyone knows about the high cost of many games, the service has a unique opportunity to provide customers with bestsellers at reasonable prices.  The system includes such components as: 

  • The program for finding games 
  • The community of ordinary players 
  • The service for finding referrals 
  • The developer network 

           To maintain and develop such a network, a special currency EON Token was created.  It stimulates the work of developers and thus allows them to attract new customers.  Due to the operation of such a well-coordinated algorithm, revenue grows and the free market of game producers develops.  

           Gamers have the opportunity to interact with the creators of games.  Service as acts as a tool of communication between them, in the end everyone gets their benefits out of this.  For example, developers will be able to receive feedback directly from the players after they test the game, as a result, there is no need to buy expensive advertising, without spending a lot of precious time.  The number of clients reaches a mark of 5 million people, which means that there will be a lot of feedback.  

           The platform has a staff of highly qualified employees, they are excellent at coping with their duties.  Their work includes: the establishment of a game search system for gamers, the constant monitoring of the blockchain, the encoding of information, the care of the system for monitoring tokens.  In general, the whole service is based on the efforts of computer technology experts.  By the way, they were able to establish even an intellectual search for games, so that it would be more convenient for clients to find what they wanted.  

           The payment currency of EON Token has established itself as a reliable source of profit for users.  More than two billion units of tokens are released into the turnover of the economic model of platforms, this is more than 60% of the total.  

           The company has its own social networks, since this is a major project, the number of subscribers in each is large.  In the community of telegrams, their number reaches more than ninety thousand "live" subscribers, that is, without bots.  In Twitter they are smaller, a little more than eleven thousand, but they are more active, they constantly leave messages.  The page in the editorial has about four thousand visitors, activity is high, every day there are topics in which there are discussions, and not only they.  The account on YouTube is good, video is typed from two thousand views and more, some even more than fifty thousand.The profile of instagram is the most meager, it has been signed by more than fifty people, there are very few publications.  It is evident that more attention is paid to twitter and telegram.  

           Project expected future development with each passing day is gaining momentum, seeing clients in favor of the project opportunities in a hurry to use the services.  This is the right decision, such young projects usually gain momentum quickly and reach a new level.  The transition to a new stage of development implies increasing the level of trust from customers, improving the quality of service, improving the skills of employees and the like.  The creators of the project have a clear development plan that contains a strategy for the most beneficial development strategy. 

WebSite - http://eontoken.io/  

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/eontoken/  

Twitter - https://twitter.com/EonToken  

Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/eontoken/  

Telegram - https://t.me/eontoken  

Medium - https://medium.com/@eontoken  

WhitePaper - https://docsend.com/view/yuhe5nc  

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