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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


The games industry is a multi-billion dollar business.  Every year, millions of people buy more and more games.  The age of the players increases exponentially.  If earlier the average age of the player in computer games was 10 - 16 years, now, there are players who are already more than 60 years old.  All this is due to the freedom that the computer game gives.  

Recently I watched a film in which the world of the future is presented.  In this world, everyone is completely addicted to games.  The online world is so diverse that people simply do not live offline.  I think that such a future awaits us.  

At the moment, for many people, games remain too expensive a pleasure.  Some games are just crazy money.  Just for downloading the game, someone needs to give their monthly salary.  In online games, it looks a little different, there you have to buy inside the system.  But what is the price?  All this is certainly understandable.  Developers need to pay for marketing, development, salaries for programmers and much more.  But, what if the developers were given the opportunity to free marketing their products?  I think prices would be lower for some games, and the quality of games, on the contrary, increased.  Many developers, self-taught now simply can not release their games because of high prices and competition.  

EON unites gamers and developers by creating a decentralized platform based on Blockchain Ethereum.  The idea of ​​creating the EON platform was the disagreement of developers with the policies of such giants as Steam, Google Play and the AppStore.  Developers of EON believe that the game industry should be accessible to everyone.

Problems solved by the EON platform:
- Payment for the game - Currently gamers can pay only for the game in local currency.  On the one hand, many will think that there is nothing special about this.  But if the game is designed for the global market, it causes certain difficulties, for small developers, they need to register their game in each individual country and accept only their currency.  With the EON platform, users and developers get access to games around the world and for a single currency - the EON token;  
- Promotion is a serious problem that many game developers face, this is promotion or marketing, according to some sources, the involvement of one player who registers and passes several levels reaches $ 12.  EON solves this problem by creating a decentralized platform on which any developer can place his game without additional fees that are currently present on popular sites, and gamers in turn can find interesting and diverse games, without an annual subscription to the platform or other fees;  
- Smart contracts - thanks to the blockbuster Ethereum developers are given the opportunity to track all traffic coming to their products, thereby it is possible to track any action of the player, which guarantees protection against false provision of data.  Openness of information is a guarantee of the accuracy and honesty of the EON platform.  
- Referral program - to attract new players, developers and marketers.  All these people will be able to communicate in a special forum that is developed on a platform, and the referral system will further encourage all persons interested in promoting the platform and games in general.  

Sales of tokens:
The sale of EON tokens will take place from 01/07/2018 to 30/07/2018;  
In total, it is planned to issue 2.1 billion tokens EON;
1ETH = 21000 EON or 1EON = 0.0280USD (0.00004760ETH);  
Hard cap - 30 000 ETH;  
Soft cap - 10 000;  
The EON team has already raised $ 5 million after the release of its own decentralized game Crypto Alpaca to develop the platform.  

Crypto Alpaca is a decentralized game developed by the developers of EON.  The essence of the game is to create your own pet "Lama" which must be grown, cut hair, multiply, transform and much more.According to official data, the game Crypto Alpaca attracted 200,000 registered users and 1000 active players daily.  

AR MEOW sweet AR game on which you need to look after your pet "kitten" great option for people who have all their lives dreamed of getting a kitten, but for some reason it does not.  

Etherfifa - The essence of the game is to guess the results of teams during the World Cup.  


At this stage, games on the block are only beginning to gain popularity among users, but if you recall the past experience when computer games, also very few people took seriously and play games was considered a child's play.  Now this can not be said, adult conscious people are increasingly investing their savings to play their favorite games.  

If you are interested in the EON project, for more detailed information, please click on the links below:

Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2196132
Uniqueness: https://text.ru/antiplagiat/5b36011d33964

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