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6 лет назад

Review and analysis of ICO Usechain

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Official site

Since the first crypto currency appeared in 2009 - bitcoin has passed very much time. During this period of time there have been significant changes. People have changed the idea of digital assets. Very important in the cryptocurrency world was also Ethereum. The latter introduced in its time smart contracts, thereby proving that the technologies of the crypto industry are truly limitless. But despite all this, there are problems of practical application of new innovations.

What are the current problems:

  • Low transaction processing bandwidth has become a major problem in the way of extending the scalability of projects. Bitcoin is capable of processing no more than 7 transactions in 1 second. Ethereum is only 25 operations per second. This year, the EOS network appeared, which promises up to 10 thousand transactions per second, but there are also technical problems with which the SEO developers struggle with difficulty.
  • Problems with anonymity Hackers and hacking have become a real scourge of the crypto industry. The introduction of modern technologies will make it possible to change the situation, but so far many cryptprojects are far from perfect in terms of availability for cyber-fraudsters.
  • Technical problems. Often cryptocurrency can be some time out of range of the owner of the token, or there are times when one smallest mistake in the blockchain can disable the ecosystem. The best option is fork or hardfork, but still it does not save the situation until new methods of reliability of technologies for blockchain are invented.

The Usechain project will have a very high level of security. Blockchain will be built on mirrored identification, which includes: ID-Enabled Consensus, ID-Enabled Security, ID-Enabled Privacy, and there is also a "Proof of randomize". The main purpose of Usechain is to create an identification platform, in order to ensure the maximum protection of your data from intruders. Multi-level authentication system in this project is ideal for use in banking services, credit services and so on. The project will have pre-established protocols, which in turn should increase the degree of protection for all participants.

The advantages of the project:

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  • The project includes a multi level for user verification. In this technology, the only attempt will be to identify the user's data and compare it with the real person or organization. In the future, a minimum set of actions will be required to verify the data.
  • Using the RPOW randomization algorithm. The project plans to increase the number of transactions through a new algorithm. In the future, it is planned that mining with this protocol will be possible not only in industrial data centers, but also on a mobile device. The technology will be analogous to the current PoW consensus protocol.
  • The use of networked Sharding. The traditional blockchain scheme will be improved. Sharding should be the first who will expand the possibilities of the traditional blockchain. Sharding should address the vulnerability of existing technologies for blockchain.
  • New standard of verification. The project will implement its standard for smart contracts, which will expand the scenarios for the options and functions of the Usechain applications.
  • Troubleshooting. If there is a problem, the sector will be frozen until the problem is resolved.

Use of the project:

The Usechain project is aimed more at the financial employment area, where identity identification is primarily required.

  • Insurance.
  • Crediting.
  • Decentralized exchange cryptocurrency.
  • Payment systems and decentralized financial applications.
  • Applications built on the principle of the economy of joint consumption.
  • Secure IoT solutions.

ICO Terms and Conditions:

Name of the tokens: UST
Standart: erc20
Total number of tokens released: 20 000 000 000 UST
Number of tokens for sale: 45 %
The price of the token: 1 June - 15 June: 1 BTC = 1 700 000 UST; 16 June - 30 June:
1 BTC = 1 400 000 UST
The token price at the end of June: 1 BTC = 1 000 000 UST
Crowdsale next round will be open: June 20
Soft Cap: 1 350 BTC
Hard Cap: 4 500 BTC

Road map:



The project team is very strong. It consists of qualified specialists with vast experience in various fields. The best employees of Usechain will regularly hold offline meetings for the main investors.

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After analyzing Usechain, one can conclude that the project has prospects. In addition, the Internet has a lot of positive information from users who worked with the platform and shared their opinions about it. I believe that people's opinion is very important. As for the security of customer accounts, thanks to the embedded system, they are completely safe, and no hacker attacks pose any threat to them.

The article is unique here - 100%


More information can be found here:

Website | Whitepaper | ANN Thread | Bounty Thread | Reddit | Facebook | Twitter | Telegram


Bitcointalk username: aleksvip15

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