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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

SmartContainers - A revolution in temperature-sensitive logistics!


Today it is no longer a secret that blockchain is the technology of the future. In 2009, with the advent of bitcoin, the financial revolution began, and today this technology is making major changes in almost all areas of the economy.

Thanks to the invention of smart contacts, the blockchain has become a real applicable tool, which the business needed so much, because there was no need to trust, since this function is performed by the technology itself. The absence of intermediaries makes it possible to significantly reduce costs by optimizing many business processes.

The logistics sector is almost entirely composed of communication by email, and its basis is related documents, product certificates, various licenses, invoices and consignment note. This scheme of work looks not only bulky and not productive, but also technologically and morally obsolete.

It is possible to change the sphere of logistics and make it really modern and efficient thanks to the use of blockchain. This will create a single global platform, which will be able to use each participant in the industry.


Smart Containers Group has decided to change the sphere of logistics forever.

This is a Swiss company, which is one of the world leaders in the supply of modern and technological containers. And at the moment it is working on testing the latest containers under the control of blockchain technology.

Each container will be equipped with special software and sensors, which will enable to always have information about the location of any container. The entire document flow will be on the blockchain, which will guarantee its immutability, and thanks to smart contracts, all financial transactions will be fast and transparent.

SmartContainers Group is not just an idea, but a working business with a great experience in logistics and today includes two companies SkyCell and FoodGuardian.


  1. SkyCell is one of the world's largest suppliers of containers for the medical industry, which combines innovative materials and high-quality software.

  2. Food Guardian - supplies containers for transportation of food over long distances. Such containers are equipped with special temperature control systems, which makes it possible to keep the products fresh for a long time.

How would that work?

Снимок экрана 2018-06-25 в 20.46.43.png

Each container will be entered into the blockchain register in the form of an electronic chip and will be available for rent to any market participant anywhere in the world. And for quick verification and identification of documents by customs officers they will be attached to this chip. Therefore, all processes will be fast and without unnecessary bureaucracy.

Thanks to these innovations, Smart Containers Group aims to become a leader in the supply of containers for the food and pharmaceutical sector. All operations will be performed thanks to SMART and LOGI project tokens, each of which will have its own function.

  1. The SMART token is similar to the company's shares, and its holders will receive 20% of the profits of SkyCell and FoodGuardians, and its implementation is carried out to raise funds for the development of these units.

  2. The LOGI token was created to implement the logistics ecosystem and will be a means of payment for it.

Conclusions and prospects

The management of Smart Containers holding was able to bring this business to the world level in 5 years and has established itself as a successful company that intends to improve and change the world. All funds raised will be used for the development of the holding. Let's help them to make a revolution in logistics and to improve our world.

Friends, thank you for reading! What do you think about Smart Containers?


For those who are interested in the project spread links to official sources:

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