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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Quadrant Protocol - a new level of data quality and security

       Information has always been of great value, in our time it has become even more in demand and companies are ready to spend considerable money on the acquisition of up-to-date data. With the development of the Internet, the amount of information has increased hundreds of times, and at the same time, its quality has suffered dramatically.

          Users often face untrustworthy data, a growing number of resources that spread unchecked information and contribute to its expansion in the network and beyond the Internet.

          Blockchain technology has opened many new opportunities for the development of various spheres of our life, including the information industry. The new Quadrant Protocol project is a large-scale platform that offers users to acquire reliable, verified data. The platform combines many opportunities for both creators and consumers of information. All participants will have permanent access to the validated data. They will be able to take an active part in the development of the project.

Quadrant Protocol is a smart platform on Blockchain

          The new platform has a significant advantage over other similar resources - the system will process a considerable amount of information and check the material for reliability in short time intervals. Particular technology can track the discrepancies between the received and outgoing data, due to this, the site will not publish irrelevant information. 

          Each participant will be able to independently influence his rating and improve it by improving the quality of the data provided. Providers of relevant, unique information will receive encouragement.

          Quadrant Protocol implements functions that help to evaluate the reliability of materials. Participants will access the data only after they have been thoroughly checked for relevance and uniqueness. Blockchain technology allows you to monitor the chain of all blocks and provides data protection. Each user has the opportunity to create their conditions for the purchase and sale of information, to offer their services to interested users.

The Advantage of the Quadrant Protocol

          The platform will allow the sale of high-quality information using distributed registries. The modern platform will provide an opportunity to collect up-to-date information, distribute data among users and guarantee its origin. The system allows each participant to check how information was obtained, and significant trading companies will be able to be sure of the quality of the acquired data. 

          Quadrant Protocol is a secure, stable protocol that allows you to block all nodes that distribute invalid information. Proven data will be reliably protected from editing and leakage, thanks to all the functions implemented, the platform will be as efficient and quickly gain popularity. 

          The development team took care to ensure a high level of security for all information that is placed on the platform, as well as reliable data protection for all users. Blockchain technology has opened up new opportunities for improving and developing the information base on the Internet.

How will this look in practice for the average user?

          Let's say you have valuable information for which there is an audience that is ready to pay money for it. For example, a list of key customers for a particular company and you want to provide it to those who need it. 

          You upload data to the platform, the system instantly determines the data and their origin, determines their reliability and immediately brings it to the platform. For the safety of your data, you do not have to worry. No one can hack them or get them without your knowledge. Only you can provide them to anyone you need and gain profit for it. Thanks to the latest Blockchain technology, all transactions and accesses occur instantaneously, and you get profit without the participation of third parties.

ICO Details

Number of tokens - 1,000,000,000 eQuard

Price 1 token - 0.05 USD

Hard Cap - 20,000,000 USD

Platform - Ethereum


          In our informational, modern age, it is tough to find a truly reliable resource that is capable of providing constant access to current, verified data. The new platform will provide access to quality materials. Participants will be able to receive additional profit for the provision of data and fill the resource with new content. 

          Information accompanies us throughout the day, we follow the news, read the tapes on social networks, watch videos and favorite sites. Quadrant Protocol will give companies access to high-quality, up-to-date and verified information. Users will regularly update the material on the platform. 

          My opinion is that the Quadrant Protocol will be simplified and will quickly gain a large number of users who can always be aware of exciting events and create content independently, getting their income for it. Interested companies, in turn, will receive a reliable resource, with proven material and will be able to acquire the necessary information at any time.

Dear readers, if you liked the project, you can read it in more detail on these links:

Official website
Bitcointalk ANN Thread
Bitcointalk Bounty Thread
Bitcointalk Username: CapnBDL
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=212645
My Ethereum address: 0x577FA2553Af35908072Af7fc61270fd98022002b

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