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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

ICO Sapien

For today we will consider project which is potentially attractive for investment tool, so the name of this project is Sapien.
Sapien is a network which is designed to meet basic human needs in communication. For this purpose, have been developed many different social networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Vk. Sapien pursues the same goal, but unlike them, uses Blockchain technology.
The Blockchain technology was chosen as a basis by developers for several reasons:

  1. Ethereum blockchain will ensure transparency of Sapiens system, it is also necessary necessary for verification of users and view all transactions in apps.
  2. Blockchain technology will help for resistance to censorship: centralized corporations can not randomly decide what exactly amounts of the freedom of speech.
  3. Eternal persistence-this file system architecture allows not only to distribute the content, but also to save it forever.
  4. . The functionality of tokens-blockchain provides payment to the authors of the project, includes an independent platform and a social network based on tokens.
    Basic principles of the Sapien network:
    Democracy. Users can have an opinion and should be rewarded for its expression.
    Privacy. Targeted advertising brings profit, but it uses user data, that's why it violates confidentiality.
    Freedom of speech. A fundamental principle that must be protected.
    Customizability. Each user should be able to customize the platform for themselves.

Key specificity:
Public\private browsing. Switch between public and private modes to use Sapien anonymously or from an open profile.
Subscriptions. Subscribe to discussions to see messages from friends.
Communication. Add friends, create groups, share opinions, comments smth and Express yourself.
Multi-functional chat. Join text and voice chats with attractive user interface.
Encryption. Sapien protects your personal data and offers encrypted chats.
High adjustability. Each person is unique. Get control of each function and adapt it to yourself.

Who will be interested in the platform?

The creators of the content. Users who publish original content (posts, comments, videos, memes, podcasts). Their quality contribution is rewarded with SPN tokens and arises the reputation on the platform.
The curators of the content. They filter out good content. These users are also rewarded for their efforts.
Freelancers. Persons who would like to provide services to the users of Sapien in exchange for the SPN tokens.
Developers. As the platform expands, we'll need developers to create new options.
MEDIA. The media may cooperate with Sapien to publish content for a specialfee.
SPN Utility Token is a flexible cryptocurrency compatible with ERC 20, which will boost quality content, to manage all activities on the platform and serve as a basis of Sapien’s cryptocurrency.
Hereinafter, the developers plan to release their own wallet, but before that it is recommended to use Mist, MyEtherWallet or MetaMask.
Tokens will be used as a universal currency to take advantage of all features of the platform.

The details of the ICO


• Period: January 31-February 15
• Discount for pre-sale period-20%
• Accepted currencies: ETH
• Multi-Level investment structure:
a. $250k: +25%
b. $100k: +15%
c. $50k: +7%
d. $10k: +3%
e. <$1000: no bonuses

Token sail

o Period: March 3-April 3
o Hard cap: $30,000,000
o Structure of bonuses:

a. Day 1: +15%
b. Week 1: +8%
c. Week 2: +3%
d. Week 3+: no bonuses
e. Soft cap: 50,000,000 SPN.

If the minimum target is not achieved, all investor funds will be reimbursed by the smart contract, without funds that have been used for marketing expenses.

The distribution of tokens

• 45% - the participants of the ICO.
• 20% - Founders and team.
• 30% - Reserve Fund.
• 5% - Bounty program
Sapien’s team started preparing the necessary documents that are required for listing on the leading crypto exchanges. The organizers of the project are already negotiating with several exchanges. This is important for both the Sapien’s founders and the community.
Team Sapien decided to protect users of the Internet and created a social news platform. Developers provide users with control over their accounts and communities in the system, do not support the principles of targeted advertising that uses personal data of people, protect freedom of speech and provide the widest opportunities to configure the network for everyone. The network is able to reward authors and content curators, while there are no centralized intermediaries.
The team have huge abilities and talents in the sphere of IT-technologies, and also in the sphere of network business.

ICO Sapien - https://www.sapien.network
WP ICO Sapien - https://www.sapien.network/assets/SPNv1_2.pdf

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МОЙ БЛОГ - http://bit.ly/2C2aIgv
Я В BITCOINTALK - http://bit.ly/2E8rzjI
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НАШ ЧАТ В TELEGRAM - http://bit.ly/2DjNNP3
БИРЖА EXMO - http://bit.ly/2z0ekzT
ETHSTATS - http://bit.ly/2d83a3R
БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ ТОКЕНЫ Sphere - http://bit.ly/2h25JHO
БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ ТОКЕНЫ CoinPennant - http://bit.ly/2yJWGm0
БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ ТОКЕНЫ Viuly - http://bit.ly/2DUNlYO
КРИПТОКОШЕЛЕК Myetherwallet - http://bit.ly/1pmsHZ7
КАК КУПИТЬ ЭФИР - http://bit.ly/2Dt7sjV

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