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7 лет назад

Popular legend the aromas of Nakawe

fuente: https://es.pinterest.com/pin/439734351096784233/

Thank you very much dear friends of the voice for supporting my work, surfing the web I cross with this beautiful legend, speaks of a beautiful young woman who unwittingly conquered the heart of the god of love, failing to reciprocate and fight for her true love will live a Amazing story that starts well.

A long time ago in a village in Mexico lived a beautiful young woman named Nakawe, daughter of a wealthy local, this family had so much money that his father bought a palace, they enjoyed all the comforts and luxuries worthy of kings.

The beautiful girl used to go out for a walk in the forest, a huge forest that surrounded the palace, one day in her morning walks she found a small wooden hut, in it lived a good-looking young man named Taiyari, a very hard-working boy And humble, her life was quiet without many expectations, had nothing to do with the economic position of the beautiful young woman.

But as they know fate works in a mysterious way, in matters of love is a bit capricious, the moment they met and their gazes crossed they knew that there was chemistry and they knew love at first sight.

As every day he went out to take his morning walk through the palace forest, it was the moment when the young lovers made their meeting, as the days went by this love grew by leaps and bounds, the daytime meeting was not enough, The beautiful Nakawe looked for any excuse to meet her lover Taiyari, she always did it to hide the family, she knew his father, he knew that he would not agree to approve this love, he would never consent to marry a poor person without Nothing to offer his future wife.

One afternoon, after visiting her lover, the beautiful Nakawe went out to walk through the village, she was very happy to have seen Taiyari, that day she decided to visit the hills of the village, she went very happy singing a beautiful song of love, Her face looked more beautiful and happier than ever, when passing by the temple some of the gods fell in love with the beautiful girl, I was hypnotized by the beauty and sympathy of the beautiful young woman, could not retain her momentum and followed the beautiful woman.

God proved to be the powerful God of happiness, he fell in love at first sight, decided at the same moment that he would have to be his wife, hurrying the steps to reach the beautiful Nakawe, when he reached her without express love for her and Proposed that he accept to be his wife.

Nakawe was very surprised by the proposal of God, with much respect appreciated his proposal, was flattered by such a wonderful proposal, but could not accept since his heart had owner and was called Taiyari.

The God who did not accept a no answer, repeated again, said that nothing was lacking, although he did not know his fiancé but surely would not have the economic position that he could offer for his love, the young woman replied that he would never marry Another person who was not his beloved, God insisted on the proposal of marriage and she rejected how many times received the proposal, the God of happiness lost his balance, was very angry with the refusal of the beautiful girl to the point of threatening, some Day you will regret having rejected me, said the mighty God.

The beautiful Nakawe returned to the palace without giving much importance and forgetting that proposal of marriage, but never would have imagined that the God spoke very serious to the point that when it arrived at the palace, the father received it with good news.

El padre estaba muy feliz y honrado por haber recibido una invitación al templo, dijo que un Dios muy poderoso quería conocerlo esa misma noche, al que asistió vestido de gala, para honrar al poderoso Dios de la felicidad.

El poderoso Dios era muy astuto, realizó esta reunión para ganar su confianza y amistad, todo el tiempo se dirijo y lo trato como a un rey al padre de la joven, recibió valiosos objetos de regalos, al momento de despedirse, cuando el Dios vio que existía una buena confianza con el padre de la joven, confeso su amor por su bella hija Nakawe y pido su mano en matrimonio.

El padre muy emocionado por la hermosa noticia, no dudo ni un instante y prometió a la hermosa Nakawe que se casaría con él, muy contento el padre de la joven regreso a su Palacio, no podía haber recibido una mejor noticia, no había en el mundo un hombre más merecedor del amor de su querida hija que el Dios de la felicidad.

Al día siguiente el Dios se presentó en el Palacio de la joven, el padre lo recibió muy feliz y mando a llamar a la hermosa Nakawe, ella acudió rápidamente al llamado de su querido padre, grande fue su sorpresa al ver al Dios sentado con su padre, pero más grande fue su sorpresa cuando el padre anuncio su compromiso de casamiento con el Dios.

Muy apenada se echó a llorar, expreso su negativa a esta unión, jamás en su vida obtendría el amor de su corazón, nada podía hacer el Dios para volver a enamorar su corazón enamorado, expreso firmemente que su corazón tiene dueño y que él sabía de antemano esta situación.

El Dios de la felicidad perdió la cordura, en ese mismo instante comenzó a insultar a la caprichosa joven, maldijo el día de conocerla, aclaró que ella estaba comprometida para casarse con el, si no lo hacía no lo haría con nadie, la joven al escuchar estas palabras volvió a repetir que nada podía hacer para conquistar su corazón, su corazón tenia dueño y se llamaba Taiyari.

Al escuchar estas palabras el Dios levanto las manos y pronuncio un poderoso conjuro, transformándola en una planta de Vainilla con unas hermosas flores amarillas.

Así fue como nació la planta de vainilla, del sacrificio de la hermosa Nakawe, ahora convertida en unas de las flores más bellas del mundo, poseedora de una fuerte esencia muy utilizada en nuestro tiempo.

Ahora cuando percibas la hermosa fragancia de Vainilla recordaras a la bella Nakawe que se convirtió en flor por amor.

fuente: https://www.floresyplantas.net/vanilla-planifolia/

Fuente: http://www.mundoprimaria.com/mitos-y-leyendas-para-ninos/la-vainilla/

José Luis
Corrientes Argentina

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