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7 лет назад

The discovery of Pastor Tafari

Fuente: http://www.wikiwand.com/es/Armenia_(Quind%C3%ADo)

Many thanks dear friends of the voice for supporting my work, surfing the web I cross with this beautiful legend, speaks of a pastor who has a dream, be a very recognized person, discover something that will do the best known in all countries Of the world, a beautiful story that begins like this.

A legend born in Ethiopia, in this country in the 9th century lived Tafari a pastor by profession, this humble shepherd lived in a valley near the mountains of Simen, his job was to feed and watch over his goats.

Every day he walked long distances until he reached the summit of the mountain of Simen, here the goats stayed in Tafari's care for the whole day.

Tafari was a dreamer pastor, as a child he knew that someday he would be an important person, every time the time passed his disappointment was enlarged, the child's dream began to fade, he was becoming old and he saw nothing important in the .

The next day he left early as every day with his flock, he had no idea that his fate was soon to change, fate works mysteriously, without realizing life can change radically, while giving pasture to his goats watched A strange reaction in the behavior of their herd, rose and fell energetically from the mountains, this was not common in their goats, they seemed never to be exhausted, it was time to return to the village, the goats continued in their state of excitement as before The shepherd watched with astonishment this reaction of his goats, in this state they remained all night.

Dawn was present, Tafari went in search of his flock to start his day, he noticed his goats in a normal state, he had no explanation that could have happened the day before, he set out on his journey to the mountains of Simen, The trail was able to see some new plants that had grown along the side of the road, the goats approached the silver and began to eat these colored frutitas.

Soon they began to excite like the day before, again those endless trajines of going up and down the mountains, the longer they spent the more nervous they put on, the pastor began to remember that he had seen strange to associate this behavior with his goats , There recalled the new plant of red fruits.

It was to discover that it was what affected his Tafari goats, I carefully tested the leaves and the fruit of the new plant, the first thing to discover was that it did not have a sweet taste as expected, when seeing red fruit Associated with something sweet, the taste it perceived was somewhat bitter, later I notice that the exhaustion of labor disappears, acquiring a renewing vitality, as if it had just begun with its activities, this reaction encouraged the pastor, intuited that he had discovered something important.

He took some branches and placed them in his burlap bag and went to the only place where he could find an explanation.

Organizing his flock began to walk by leaps and bounds, he had to walk several kilometers to the monastery, if anyone could know this plant would be the monk, I take his flock as fast as he could, when he arrived at the church left his goats in the care of some inmates Of the monastery.

The monk was very pleased with the pastor, he was informed that the pastor was bringing good news, Tafari opened his burlap bag and showed the plant energizarte to the monk, I comment in detail the events of these days with the goats and their discovery of the taste and its reaction to Ingest the fruit, the monk looked very surprised in his life had seen this plant.

The Abbot invited Tafari to go to the kitchen, grabbed a few handfuls of these branches and their fruits, put them in a bowl and began to boil, when you finished with their boil they tasted the fusion and was very unpleasant to the point that the monk threw all the Branches to the fire, slowly began to toast the fruits emanating a delicious aroma in the kitchen.

Fuente: http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-612565431-cafe-tostado-en-grano-santos-premium-1kilo-_JM

This precious aroma opened the monk's wit, took the beans toasted and boiled again, when the waters began to boil perfumo the whole kitchen, was so pleasant the aroma that all the monks of the monastery went to the kitchen to see what it was That perfume so strong.

This is the birth of the Ethiopian own coffee, warned by the goats, tasted by the Tafari shepherd, toasted by the monk, celebrated by the people of Ethiopia, never imagined to be the discoverers of such a popular infusion as coffee.

Pastor Tafari fulfilled his dream, one that as a child knew that one day he would be an important person, but he never thought that he would discover the most popular infusion in the world, much less that it would last forever.

Fuente: http://www.infobae.com/2013/09/05/1506704-la-revalorizacion-del-cafe-el-nuevo-boom-gourmet-argentino/

Fuente: http://piruja56.blogspot.com.ar/2016/10/leyenda-del-cafe.html

José Luis
Corrientes Argentina

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