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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


The popularity and demand for cryptocurrency are growing. With that comes the will need for individuals to quarry cryptocurrency. Scavo Solutions is normally developing an eco-friendly cryptocurrency mining operation. As period runs by, the problems of mining a cryptocurrency generally boost. This causes a boost in electric consumption to mine the coins. Today, there is certainly a large amount of electricity getting applied to mine coins throughout the globe. In order to come to be ecologically friendly, an organic source of strength is usually needed. Scavo Solutions is usually found in Argentina, and the program to build home supporting mining places applying alternative strength many of these as solar power, normal water, and blowing wind.

Scavo Solutions is currently positioning an expression sale for fundraising. The token is normally an ERC-20 type of small. There happen to be a number of rewards linked with staying a smallholder. Eighty percent of mining gains will come to be given away to small cases with the staying twenty percent staying employed for reinvestment into the procedure integrating the purchase and repair of apparatus. Scavo Solutions may as well present offerings to third parties. Thirty percent of revenue from this may end up being sent out to small members as very well. Democratic decision making is usually essential to Scavo Technologies, and owners of the SCAVO token will come to be capable of voting on decisions with the utilization of exceptional deals. The token deal started out on June 15tl and will run until October 31st of this 12 months. There is certainly an excellent small supply of two hundred million tokens. Eighty-eight percent will be provided for a deal, with eight percent placed away for a save deposit, two percent for advantages courses, and two percent for the crew and founders.

With more than 10 years of experience in the telecommunications industry and having finished the different stages of R&D, we will form the first large, sustaining and precisely scalable effective crypto mining farm, thus through this, facilitating access to the blockchain technology in a rather predictable fashion and by being very friendly with the environment as a whole.

They extend their invitation to all the people to take part in the exchange of the distributed SCAVO Token and thus join this project through their formal stations.

The beliefs

The strategy of Scavo Technologies is comprised of three primary aspects. The autonomous mining unit is certainly a ready to mine device with all the conventional components, a productive and passive cooling program; it is normally prepared to receive vitality, has got a data control centre for info management, and offers video saving functions. This creates it simple to begin mining for coins in the latest position. Another aspect of their approach is usually the strength creating product. This will improve deliverability to the free mining items by making use of wind, solar power, hydroelectricity, or similar. Any extra energy made will get directed to the regional strength organization for monetization. Energy producing devices will be extremely scalable and modular for a decrease of development. The third factor in the Scavo Technology approach can be a unified info centre. This will manage all elements of the mining harvesting. By creating their personal electricity stations, they get rid of any hesitation about the fluctuation of electrical source rates. It should also reduce costs and thus increase mining profitability.
Scavo Technologies is heading to be creating an environmentally efficient program for cryptocurrency exploration that is sustainable for the long term. It is usually superb to find them spending a permanent way to their business version. Cryptocurrency looks like it is here to stay, and with that comes the want for efficient cryptocurrency exploration procedures like Scavo Solutions. The crew is as well extremely knowledgeable.
The SCAVO approach results in a modular solution, which produces it easily scalable. It makes its personal electric power employing sustainable strength options, becoming self-sustainable and ecologically friendly.
All this comes to the profitability of the task, guaranteeing regular repayments to shareholders found in a good completely transparent and computerized approach by results in smart-contracts.

WEBSITE : https://scavo.technology/
WHITEPAPER : https://scavo.farm/download/WhitepaperEnglishv1.15.pdf
ANN THREAD : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4832228.new#new
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/SCAVOTech_English
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/SCAVOTechnologies/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/SCAVOTech


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