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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

SCAVO Technological Mining Farm



SCAVO technology is in the industry of telecommunications in Argentina. It involves construction of telecommunications data center infrastructure for crypto mining, using renewable resources. The project intends to solve three problems inherent in the modern cryptocurrency mining industry.

Mining cryptocurrency requires a huge amount of electricity, which is one of the main sources of costs of miners. Scavo has developed a new principle of providing mining centers with electricity using renewable energy sources, the cost of which is almost zero.

Centralization of mining in connection with the placement of farms in the countries with the most favorable conditions. Thanks to the Scavo solution, which allows to significantly reduce energy costs, mining center owners will no longer select a place for farms based on the price of energy in the regions.

Creating a self-supporting mining center is an expensive process. To do this, miners need to build their own power station, but the Scavo solution allows them to do without it. Thanks to the technology of Scavo, it takes 12 months to establish a fully independent mining center.

Scavo will be responsible for finding the optimal location for the farm and power plants, buying equipment and delivering it to the destination. The company will also be engaged in the Assembly of farms and organization of the cooling system. The main principles of the company's work is to provide access to clean electricity at a very low price, the use of industrial-class components for the production and assembly of various blocks that make up the cryptomining complex, energy efficiency and the necessary reliability for the process of mining cryptocurrencies in the long term.

Energy independence has become a key principle in the creation of the project. Achieving this goal allows to get rid of binding places with the cheapest energy, and also protects against fluctuations in electricity prices and changes in energy policy. Renewable energy sources make it possible to build mining farms even in countries where electricity prices simply make mining unprofitable. Building own power source takes 12 months, after which energy costs will decrease from $0.12-$0.15 kW/h to $0.01-$0.015. At the same time, the minimum service life of such a facility will be 10 years.


In order to carry out a large-scale project it is necessary to have different resources such as economic, physical, technological, human, etc. Throughout the different stages of Research and Development (R&D) SCAVO Technologies managed to forge various links with technology companies, manufacturers and highly qualified personnel in different parts of the world.

In the same way we hope to be able to establish a long-term relationship with our investors that allows us to grow together through clear terms and conditions.

The SCAVO Token will be entirely backed by the mining hardware as well as by other equipment that is part of the renewable energy generation plant that will exist in a real physical place generating crypto assets 24x7.

The SCAVO Token is based on a smart contract on the Ethereum network. It is an ERC-20 token, the de facto standard of today′s tokens.

Each acquired token allows the holder to access the utilities produced based on the models of operations stipulated in the whitepaper. In this way, the owner of the SCAVO Token acquires the right to receive earnings proportionally to the amount of token that he holds, for life. It is understood as such, to the period by which operating expenses do not exceed the profits to be received.

We invite everyone to buy the SCAVO Tokens throughout the course of our ICO.


At SCAVO Technologies, we firmly believe that investments in crypto sustainable mining are the most profitable option for long-term profits and that is why our proposal is to strengthen the link with investors through clear rules.
SCAVO Technologies, besides of providing an intelligent solution to the problem of the generation and consumption of energy of the crypto mining farm, by reducing the cost of energy to its maximum expression, we make participation in the business more accessible and easier for anyone wordlwide, regardless of their knowledge and wealth.

To reach the objectives proposed in our development, it was imperative to work on the concept of "Industry 4.0"; this is to achieve the highest degree of efficiency and automation of the possible processes for decision making. The guidelines that guide our proposal contemplate access to clean energy and at a very low cost, the use of industrial grade components for the manufacture and assembly of the different units that make up the crypto mining complex, energy efficiency and the necessary robustness to carry out the crypto mining process in the long term.

We understand that innovation throughout the current system is something indispensable, necessary and imperative for crypto currencies and their technology to be accepted in a massive way. Due to this, it was necessary to align the development of the different parts that make up the crypto mining complex to the concept of "Industry 4.0".

The process of acquiring specialized hardware for crypto mining is not something simple due to the growing demand in this last time and in many occasions accessing it involves negotiating with different intermediaries that end up making the purchase process more expensive as well as all the logistics that implies a purchase on a large scale.

Achieving energy self-sustainability was a key milestone in the development process of the project itself as it will allow the development of the company's different operating models without being tied to traditional energy costs as well as to energy market fluctuations or policies of energy. The use of renewable energies for the generation of electricity, allows to develop this ecosystem in different parts of the world where energy cost is incompatible with the market of crypto mining.

In order to achieve a large-scale crypto mining system, scalability was a point of strong consideration. For this, all the design and construction guidelines of the different components allow for greater modularity. Blocks were designed (at the subsystem level) in a standardized way that allows the exchange between any of them.


At SCAVO Technologies we have three simple principles we always follow. The work must be done as a team. The implementation of the solution must be easy to understand. The solutions must be accessible by the general public.

Using these three principles as a guide, we believe that even with the increasing difficulty of mining in general, regardless of the crypto currency to be mined, we can develop a profitable investment program for the market through the creation of mutually beneficial projects that are accessible to the general public, easy to understand and based on cutting-edge technology.


More information about the project you can on the links:

WEBSITE https://scavo.farm
WHITEPAPPER https://scavo.farm/download/WhitepaperEnglishv1.15.pdf
TELEGRAM https://t.me/SCAVOTech_English
TWITTER https://twitter.com/SCAVOTech
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/SCAVOTechnologies/
MEDIUM https://medium.com/@SCAVOTech
YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC97baGa2bnwnxolojO8LsjA
LINKEDIN https://www.linkedin.com/company/e-scavo/
ANN THREAD https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4832228.msg43604596#msg43604596

AUTHOR: Eflatun
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=620958
ETH: 0x6c5B872Eae443Be3E1EA3EB14Eced751Bcd5E7b7

0.089 GOLOS
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