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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

SECURIX Next Generation Mining Service


SECURIX.IO is a distinctive project with a goal of making blockchain and cryptographic technology simple and accessible anywhere in the world. The Securix team consists of high intellect of blockchain experts, business specialist, IT developers, economists and investment expert with many years of experience. Securix product is based on sustainability, honesty and a realistic revenue project. One of the main aims is to offer a way to create passive income for many people.

However, Fintech Capital B.V. is accountable for the mining operation. While the Securix professional team works for both Fintech Capital B.V and Securix. The Securix team will ensure that all mining operations are effective and efficient while also hiring the best staff for the smooth running of the mining operation.

To learn more about our company and our products:

The Securix team consists of high intellect of blockchain experts, business specialist, IT developers, economists and investment expert with many years of experience.

  • The Securix head office is situated at Dubai, a country with a global hub for trade economics and blockchain innovation.
  • Securix data center location is situated in Netherland; the decision for the mining location is based on four considerations:
  • Strategic Placement, Safety, Security and Scalability

Some of the basic reasons why the mining location is situated in Netherland are:

  • Internet Speed: Amsterdam has become one of the world’s most significant internet hubs.
  • Trust: Trust is needed in any economy for the well-being of the citizens. There should be assumptions that services will be created, infrastructure will be reliable and their data will also be protected from hackers/cyber criminals.
  • Political Stability: The Netherlands is known to be a trustworthy and stable government.
  • Infrastructure: The Netherlands has reliable and secure internet and electricity infrastructure which has made them among the best in the world.


  • Effective Communication: Securix team will embrace effective communication by keeping token holders up to date with latest newsletters, and in-app news and update from the mining facility.
  • No Hidden Cost: Securix provides gross revenue share with no hidden cost
  • Clear Future Vision: Securix aims to maximize output by re-investing and the buyback burning program which will help ensure the best ROI for token holders.
  • Straight Vision with Real Product: Most ICO does not follow roadmap but Securix has a real product which aim is to maintain the mining facility for token holders in order to maximize output. Securix aims to follow roadmap has the interest of the founders are same as everyone including the token holders.


The Securix mega vault application allows users to store SRXIO tokens on smartphone safely and securely. The app will enable users to keep track monthly outputs. Users will also be able to keep track securix news through the news section.

Not following roadmap

No clear future vision

Hidden cost structure

Lack of communication after ICO

Most ICO’s don’t have a real product during the crowdsale. They can change their vision and strategies. Securix has a real product and we need to maintain our mining facility for our token holders to maximize the output. So following the roadmap is crucial for Securix, as the interest of the founders are the same as everyone else! They are also token holders and benefit from a very successful mining operation

The crypto mining has a clear future. As Securix we are dependent of the mining market. Securix has a clear vision to maximize output by re-investing and the buyback burning program, which ensures the best return on investment for the token holders

Up till now our competitors are using a netto profit based profit split. As token holder you are paying the costs. It can be unclear what those costs are as they are not revealed. Our approach is unique. We have a gross Revenue share! No hidden costs, all the risks and costs are the entrepreneurial risks of Securix

After the Securix crowdsale we keep our tokenholders up to date with newsletters, and inapp news and updates from our mining facility

85% – Securix mining facilities Purchase of mining hardware, Electrical upgrades, transport duties
15% – Marketing, Administrative costs Incorporations, Tax and legal support

77% – allocated to contributing participants
15% – as sole remuneration for the founders. (locked for 12 months, then released in batches of 5% each month)
6% – Research and Development
2% – Bounty Program



Visit the below website for more in depth knowledge about the project:

• Website: https://securix.io/
• Telegram: https://t.me/securixio
• Whitepaper:https://securix.io/wp/Securix_Whitepaper_onepager_GB.pdf
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/securixio/
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/securixmarketing
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/securixio
• Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6NbXR12fV5YVYS1wTf1GYA
• Medium: https://medium.com/@securixio
• LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/securix-io/
• Steemit: https://steemit.com/@securixio/feed
• ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4744419.msg42842988#msg42842988

AUTHOR: Eflatun
Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=620958
ETH : 0x6c5B872Eae443Be3E1EA3EB14Eced751Bcd5E7b7

0.069 GOLOS
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