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5 лет назад

Super Zero Protocol "SERO": New Phase of Blockchain Privacy

The security and privacy of data on the internet has been of major concern to individuals and organisations lately. Quite a number of big corporations including Facebook, Yahoo, PayPal, have had leaks of large number of user private data. One major aspect that has always called for privacy protection is the area of financial transactions.

The advent of blockchain technology was though to have tackled the issue of privacy especially in the area of financial transactions. It however failed to take into consideration the possibility of the link established between the wallet address and the user identity. Information such as digital assets and their transaction records in the blockchain are transparent to the public. In this article we will consider a new blockchain network that has brought a new level of privacy to the blockchain industry.

SERO "Super Zero Protocol"
The SERO "Super Zero Protocol", is the first blockchain technology that implements privacy protection based on zero-knowledge proofs and supports Turing's complete smart contracts. SERO project allows DAapps developers to create privacy protecting cryptocurrencies that supports smart contracts and also use the privacy-protecting currency in the DAapps. The Super Zero Project integrates openness of smart contracts and the closeness of privacy system.

Before SERO, other projects have produced several protection centered coins and the most famous of them includes Zcash, Monero and Dash. These three are sought after for the level of anonymity they provide. However they have their shortcomings:

  • Not all transactions on these blockchains are anonymous. Only a few transactions are carried out anonymously, majority of users trade with transparent address.
  • They are relatively slow when it comes to making anonymous transactions. It takes longer time to generate and prove proofs.

With these shortcomings, these old coins take the backseat when compared to SERO. The Super Zero Protocol being the new kid on the block is comparatively better in performance when compared to other blockchain. Below are a few advantages that SERO has over it's competitors and which gives it the edge over others.

  • Transactions are more secured with SERO which assures you of 100% aninmosity, compared to Zcash which offers only about 10% anonymous tokens.
  • SERO is the first anonymous currency platform based on Zero-knowledge proof that supports smart contracts.
  • SERO has the fastest zero-knowledge proof encryption library, achieved by optimizing Zero Knowledge Proofs generation speed.
  • SERO also boasts of four types of assets, which are, SERO coins, anonymous Tokens, Tickets, and Packages.

Besides being applied as a store of value, SERO system supports smart contract and anonymous coining, making it more suitable in the support of application scenarios. Such scenarios include:

  • This blockchain provides solution to the problem of upstream and downstream transaction vouchers and traceability of the supply chain system. Using SERO system, the problem of exposure of trade secrets is completely solved in supply chain system.
  • SERO system provides solution to the privacy problems experienced by patients and hospitals in the medical and health industry.
  • SERO can provide safe, independent and fair bidding environment for online auction businesses.
  • The SERO system can fully support the online casino industry by providing a high degree of privacy protection for competitors' strategy.

The SERO system can provide a multi-token system that is easy to circulate, trade and settle, needed by online gaming, with added transaction privacy for the accounts. SERO has a total of 1 billion supply towering over competitors like Zcash which has a total of 21 million. The SERO system is secure, fast, and private making it the ideal choice of blockchain platform.

Check any of the following links for more information about Sero project
Website: https://sero.cash Tencent: https://v.qq.com/x/page/s0792e921ok.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ SEROdotCASH
Medium: https://medium.com/@SERO.CASH
Github: https://github.com/sero-cash
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/SEROofficial
ANG: https: // bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5123382.0
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sero-global-inc/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SEROProtocol

Author's Details
Bitcointalk Username: Torchlight
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2587983

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