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6 лет назад

Smart Valor review. Decentralized marketplace for tokenization of alternative investments

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Smart Valor

All innovations are the fruits of timely investments and active actions from their attraction. An example of this can even serve as a biography of Elon Musk and his brainchild called a “Zip2”. In this review I'm going to tell you about attracting funding for beginner start-ups on behalf of the “Smart Valor”. In addition, representatives of the team and FINMA (Department of Supervision of Financial Market Operations in Switzerland) who will control the entire process making it as safe as possible.

The projects which erase distinctions connected with the investments, open up the flow of new funds both to the development of the cryptocurrency industry and advanced technologies that will be part of our future life.

Indeed, many investment projects are not available for us, as they are only for institutional investors. Nevertheless, a publication of such projects on the open specialized officially registered site will have a positive impact on the start-up financing of relevant companies.

About the project

The "Smart Valor" is a platform for alternative investments that also includes digital assets. The main feature of the project is the minimum investment threshold.

The company is legally established in Switzerland (offices in Zug, Munich and Paris) and one of the key and distinguishing points is control over the activities of FINMA.

An interesting factor is also the life path of CEO Founder of the “Smart Valor”: from an Ukrainian cleaner to the founder of the project. More details by the link!

Also the project in the top 10 startups in Europe

How does it work

Token has all the basic benefits of the ERC-20 Token Utility. However, unlike the rest, the platform is divided into several package offers. Depending on it, you will be able to invest a certain amount in the project that will be provided for you by the “Smart Valor. In addition to traditional financial markets, alternative investments are also used, meaning digital assets (start-ups).

The whole operation principle is constructed in the following way: you buy tokens and then in accordance with your balance, you are provided with a list of those projects with a minimum investment threshold that are selected by the “Smart Valor” team. Among them may be planned large-scale mining farm, a field of solar panels, real estate development, etc.

In addition, VALOR tokens will be used to vote on whether future ICOs can be implemented on the platform or not.

People who have voted on this issue will receive a percentage of the trading fees, etc.

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All actions on the platform occur as follows:

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During investments, Valor assets are converted into CHF (Swiss franc).


This kind of platforms are always welcome crypto community, many well-deserved awards are published on the official website. However, unfortunately, this is not a security token and there is no link to the assets of investment companies, the price of Valor token will pumping due to dividends. Also, you make a profit from your investments in the analogy with traditional financial markets. The only difference is the withdrawal of funds, which will be fully available to you.

A lot of attention is being drawn to the project now and this is definitely alarming.

Project ratings:


P.S. This material is posted for your reference. Not a financial advice. I do not encourage you to participate in any ICO. You need to understand and consider the high risks of investing in ICO. The content expresses the author's personal opinion. The author is not an expert in the field of block technology. Always conduct your own analysis before investing in any ICO.

Information resources of the project:

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9.455 GOLOS
На Golos с February 2018
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