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5 лет назад

Smathium - The Blockchain-based Loyalty Platform That can Accumulate Points



Cryptocurrency, which is sometimes referred to as digital currencies operate independently of any central authority or banks and it is permissionless to use, the transaction is open & available for people to see.

Because it is decentralized, government authorities such as the Judiciary, Authorities in-charge of taxation, and the central banks do not find it appealing because it cannot be taxed and they dont have power to influence the transactiopns of traders/participants.

N.B: Cryptocurrencies Transaction cannot be cancelled, cannot be reversed and neither can it be disputed, This is the reason why newbies are advised to have someone who is experienced and careful to guide them whenever they want to carry out a transaction.

Cryptocurrencies can be obtained by buying/purchasing from a digital/crypto-currency exchanger platform, The exchanger allows the trader to exchange their Fiat( paper currency) to Alt coins of their choice. The top five (5) cryptocurrency Exchange can be find below:

  1. Binance,
  2. Bitmex,
  3. Kucoin,
  4. Changelly, and
  5. Hobi Pro.

Cryptocurrency Trading platform have their own shortcomings such as: scalability, Cybersecurity issues, price volatility and lack of inherent value, Regulations, and abuse of trust which traders place on the crypto exchange all for the sake of profits, user-friendly interface, these shortcomings cause traders to panic.

As more technological innovations are uncovered, SMATHIUM, a blockchain-based loyalty platform aiming to solve the key challenges facing traditional loyalty programs came on board.


SMATHIUM is a blockchain-based loyalty platform aiming to solve the key challenges facing traditional loyalty programs. A decentralized Application (dApp) where all businesses can create their own loyalty reward programs powered by a single token. A single united loyalty point system in small on/off-line retails around the globe involving everyday life. Cafe, restaurants, grocery store, and even shopping mall. A survey by CodeBroker shows that at least 54% of consumers are frustrated with their loyalty reward programs.

The reasons for the frustrations include lack of differentiation and the fact that the majority only provide limited benefits. Also, implementing a robust loyalty reward program tends to be ridiculously expensive locking out the majority of businesses. While incumbents such as departmental stores and airlines can afford to provide high value membership programs to their customers, small and medium enterprises cannot. Smathium aims to bridge this gap by building a multi-business loyalty reward platform that is open to all types of businesses.

At the heart of this platform is the goal of creating long term value for customers rather than serving as a short-term promotion. As a unified medium of exchange between users and brands, Smathium token can be used for transactions across all businesses registered on our platform and can be traded in exchanges. Moreover, Smathium is creating an additional feature where brands can connect their existing loyalty programs to a blockchain network.



Enjoying Membership Benefits Like That of a Department Store

Anyone including app businesses and small merchants can provide their own unique membership programs to customers. Also, they can provide differentiated membership programs to their loyal customers.

Smathium benefits at a shopping mall

Shopping malls can provide membership benefits appropriate for consumer experience instead of providing simple coupons

Single Unified Coin

Customers can receive their rewards in a single form of cryptocurrency instead of different points for each brand. Smathium guarantees the rightful assets to its customers.

Tradable Benefits

Brands participating in the Smathium Platform can buy and sell their benefits. Additionally, the membership program becomes a new sales channel for large scale sales for the brands.



Token symbol: SMT

Type: ERC20

Total supply: 10 Billion SMT

PreICO price: 1 SMT = 0.003 USD

Price in ICO: 0.0060 USD

Average price: 0.01 USD

ROI: 66.67%

BONUS pre-ICO: 50% discount

ICO as IEO: 10% discount

Tokens for sale: 4,000,000,000

Min. investment: 10 USD

Accepting: ETH, True USD, USD Coin, Paxos Standard, Dai

Distributed in ICO: 40%




Q1 2019

Prepare white paper and website.

Open Smart Contract to public.

Start SMT sale.

Q2 2019

Launch SMT-Service App.

(MiteNews(News-App) and else). Service initial promotion / Securing users. Proceed development of SMT-Service(App) (2nd).

Q3 2019

Launch SMT-Service App (2nd).

Expand Loyal Factory Partnership.

Release SMT Wallet App(Android).

List on exchange.

Q4 2019

Launch Loyal Factory(version 1.0).

Enter global service (Southeast Asia).

Release SMT Wallet App (IOS)

List on additional exchange and expand partnership.

Q1 2020

Expand Loyal Factory Partnership.

Develop/Launch SMT-Service(App).

Enter global service (North America).

Q2 2020

Launch Loyal Factory (version 2.0). Expansion of Loyal Factory’s 3rd party

and partnership. Develop additional module.


Changgyeom Kim: Planning Manager

Byungjin Kim: General Manager

Jaejoon Kim: Project Manager

Mihee Park: Financial Manager

Joseph Hyun: Team Lead Manager

Jee Ju: Chief Blockchain officer

Hyun Jung Choi: R&D Manager

Byung Jin Choi: Legal manager

Jongkyung Park:System Security

Seungjae Shin: General Manager


Eun Suk Lee: Project Advisor

Doo Yong Jung: Project Advisor

Jonathan Hong: Technical Advisor

Hsiao Yun Fang: Project Advisor

Jin Eub Joo: Project Advisor

Joo Ho Yoo: Project Advisor

Ki Won Kwon: Project Advisor

Philip Cho: Project Advisor

Hwanho Lee: Project Manager

Nathan Kisung Hong: Project Advisor


Official website: https://smathium.io/?lang=en

Official Smathium Token Tracker: https://etherscan.io/token/0x4b4787aace23eb70da046bcc0ccfe28d4e4fb899

Official Telegram open community: https://t.me/joinchat/KrHV002fqNMYGIHmfKax8w

Official Telegram broadcasting channel:


Official Medium: https://medium.com/@smathium

Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/smathium

Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/smathium/



BTT URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2407711

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