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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад




SportsFix is an atmosphere of virtual sports content material primarily based on current blockchain technology. The decentralization of sports activities media rights permits for believe and non-stop transparency through platform tokens and smart contracts built on the Ethereum network(ERC20).

The advantages of the platform

The SportsFix assignment combines the strength of the Netflix platform with present day blockchain era to convert the arena's most popular content material - sports activities. SportsFix is a
a decentralized sports activities media surroundings aimed at completely changing the manner fans connect and have interaction with sports content. way to the internal token, users can take part and have interaction with their leagues and golf equipment in an autonomous financial system, with all virtual transactions using clever contracts supported by present day blockchain era.

At this stage, SportsFix is a quick growing business in Asia that publicizes nearby and worldwide sports activities events to thousands and thousands of fans every week and is on its manner to turning into one of the maximum precious video streaming platforms in the vicinity. within the subsequent stage, the platform will release its token, on the way to permit lovers to participate and have interaction with their favourite leagues and clubs in an self reliant economic system with all digital transactions the use of smart contracts supported with the aid of blockchain technology.


SportsFix aims to extend its services in 3 stages. at the cutting-edge level, SF Media Holdings is already a quick-growing OTT business in Asia, which weekly proclaims nearby and worldwide sports activities occasions to hundreds of thousands of customers and will become one of the most valuable video streaming structures inside the area.

within the 2nd segment-beginning with the ebook of content material, the platform permits fanatics to participate and interact with their favorite leagues and clubs using SportsFix as a price approach for transactions associated with content material at the blockchain. inside the 1/3 phase, SF plans to release a safety token that gives enthusiasts ownership of the content material and economy faction of the defacto - enthusiasts who've a small a part of their "crew" - and the dividends are paid in the form of SFT.

Market Issues

  • conventional tv is an antiquated version.
  • Arbitrage game by way of large gamers that monopolize content.
  • bad content material discovery.
  • Aggregated rate will increase due to a convoluted machine of worldwide
    No incentive for sellers to be transparent approximately the pricing and method.
  • enthusiasts grow to be with extra content material and channels than they really want
    Rights holders promote rights of ALL clubs/teams in league layout
    Centralized media rights machine.
  • present day revenue opportunities of golf equipment confined by collective bargaining.
  • Unfair/ inequality of sales re-distribution to clubs/ groups.
  • Displaced lovers international in large part cannot access and watch their favored groups/ leagues/occasions
  • economic constraints for (smaller) sports activities/leagues/golf equipment to effectively develop a coherent virtual method to reach the ones fanatics.
  • Little to No direct (two-manner) communication between content creators and fanatics.
    conventional Broadcasters depend on antiquated viewing measurement systems.
  • growing regulations and policies of traditional/ major distribution platforms in their person records sharing willingness and abilties.
    lack of personalization - One-length-healthy-all technique by way of conventional distribution systems.

Sportsfix Solutions

  • through SF virtual Stadium (DS) concept, lovers can connect to their preferred crew and with every different and vote for their favorite group’s sports activities content material. This creates a new consumption version for sports content material that is decentralized, inexpensive, and handy.
  • Rights holders can disintermediate their content material from center man markups by way of direct transport of their stay games through SF DS in smaller digital packages at once to their fanatics’ smartphones.
  • The mass debundling may be elevated and made obvious with the aid of blockchain coded smart contracts with a purpose to permit for new subscription fashions. The creation of SFT quickens the fashion of “debundling” of content by creating a powerful internal self advertising and marketing network effect for clubs to harness, through their enthusiasts building their own DS token ecosystems.
  • SF acquires the criminal stay streaming rights for sports activities content on the league stage, unbundle the content material to man or woman games or smaller rather customized and contextualized virtual content material objects. SF will then create a new token economic system primarily based on actual intake of sports activities content to be able to create 1-1 engagement opportunities with sports golf equipment/ rights holders and fanatics through the exchanging of SFT.
  • a complicated and transparent statistics analytics platform in connection with SF DS economic system will allow us to serve displaced fans through allowing them to request, vote and pledge for SF catalogue of global content material rights.
  • SF token economic system unlocks new opportunities where rights holders (Federations/Leagues/teams) can tokenize their stay sport/event rights and create a virtual Stadium in which this ecosystem can flourish among fanatics and game. Rights holders can empower and leverage their fan bases as their exceptional entrepreneurs thru the use of our SFT to connect to their displaced lovers. The tokenization of sports activities content unlocks a brand new version of content material distribution this is decentralized and universally extra reachable.
  • with the aid of growing a token economic system round sports content, fanatics go from a passive position to an energetic and engaged position. The SFT pockets lets in for every fan to be recognized and engaged for my part. This creates new opportunities that never existed inside the conventional broadcasting model. golf equipment can now for my part perceive, interact, and reward fanatics via a range of of latest interaction possibilities via the usage of the SFT. SF considerable information analytics platform (SF Analytics) will deliver extraordinarily customized, contextualized and localized content for the lovers to enjoy.

Token Details

Name: SportsFix
The Symbol Token: SFT
Token supply: 800 million SFT
Ethereum Platform: ERC20
Token price: $0.10 USD
Token for sale: 440 million SFT
Time Pre-Sale: 4–8 Week
Pre-order discount Sale: 30–50%
Soft cap: 2 million
Hard cap 37.2 million

More info:

WEBSITE : https://www.sportsfix.io/
ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4380637.msg39045279#msg39045279
Whitepaper: https://www.sportsfix.io/whitepaper/wp.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sportsfix_io
Telegram: https://t.me/SFICO

About Me

My Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2244924
Eth Address: 0xa4A208C7b431a83362287b8A63D2E675a8e9E15b

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