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5 лет назад

Storichain - DApp and Agreement Protocol for The Story Industry Value Chain

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A storm has hit the investment market which we are not going to recover from. Crypto investment is that storm. With strict capital controls in place by most countries to control the flow of money and charge high taxes, cryptocurrency gained usage in circumventing capital controls and taxes, leading to an increase in demand. Cryptocurrency has been able to present an easy to use digital alternative to fiat currencies. Offering frictionless transactions and inflation control, investors have been prudent enough to add these currencies in their diversified portfolios as an asset, as the size of the market does not represent a systemic risk. Cryptocurrency employs the use of cryptography that assures high-security processes and verifies transactions personal to each user. Hence, counterfeiting and anonymous transactions are impossible to achieve.

While this revolution is gaining wide acceptance, Storichain, a DApp and storytellers agreement protocol that create stories, distribute and manage story IPs has arrived.

But before we go any further, please check out this video presentation to get even more acquainted

Now that I have your attention, let’s get right to it.

What exactly is Storichain?

As depicted earlier and as indicated on the official website of Storichain, Storichain is a DApp and storytellers agreement protocol that create stories, distribute and manage story IPs. It is also a protocol that provides a contract for story creation contracts. Users can change their positions in the story chain ecosystem as writers, producers, and readers, and participate in story creation before they are published as individual media such as movies, dramas, cartoons, and games.

Also, if you can get a reward for the weekly contribution of the user before the sale of the copyright, and if the story you participated in is sold for the second production, such as publishing, video, etc., DApp) and Etherium as the main network.

Trust-creating contracts with anti-theft and notarial effects, and tokens are used to deposit the trust mark when creating smart contact. The token is like a voucher that is used in the field of culture and art, which is associated with stories. A ‘story’ is a type of narrative that connects our temporal experience based on causality. UI-wise, Storichain might look like an ordinary SNS where the public can use with ease. However, in Storichain, the experiences of individual users can be selected by professional writers and become reborn into a ‘story’ with a well-structured narrative.

The original source story will be stored in the central server, but the contribution data, which proves the contribution of an individual on the work, is regularly stored within the blockchain so that it can be used as evidence in case a plagiarism-related dispute occurs. Based on this story, if other aspects such as drawings, videos, broadcasting, and the music get combined through collaboration with other creators, Storichain will keep track of the contribution made by each creator, making it easy to split the profits in the future. As a result, when a single story generates extra value by being converted into other forms of work such as web posts, web novels, webtoons, drama scripts, movie scripts, musical scripts, and game scenarios, all the participants of the story will receive compensation based on their contribution. In addition, when a derivative work is made based on the source story IP, Storichain will track the distribution route and manage it efficiently in order to provide benefit to the writer/reader/and producer.

In a wider scope, Storichain’s goal is to store the story IP, which was considered as an intangible asset to mankind, inside the blockchain as a provable form of data without manipulating or falsifying, enabling us to securitize the story IP and make it possible to contribute to the culture industry.

There has been no case yet where cryptocurrency was used properly within the field of culture & art. Storichain will strive to be a model case all around the world by contacting with experts from the culture field and collaborating with them to find new ways to achieve innovation.

The Features


Optimized for creators Co-work/Co-write/ Contract between writers, Weekly ompensation and APIs for 3rd party contens providing company


Anytime, anywhere you want to tell a story. An easy and fast writing platform.

Matching Partner

Writer Matching / Collaboration Agreements / Job Statistics / Update Notifications / Create Detailed Comme

Participating in

Platform for readers to participate in works, become writers themselves, create stories, and participate in them


A platform that rewards participants fairly and transparently based on their contributions.

Global Platform

A global platform that can be translated, marketed, or even copyrighted for global expansion

Open story

A space where everyone can publish confidential situations in history with the protection of personal information

Refunds can be made for unread components! Scene Reaction, Exchange, Assessment, Recommendation

Your deep reading contribution is also based on your reaction!

Cut-in Talk: comments between actors

Remuneration if taken after giving an episode of privacy to the author

The distribution of copyright income is in line with the growth of the index

Animation Viewer for readers. Crypto-Actor Change feature!

Pro story

Creative professional tools for making / distributing video scripts, web cartoons, web novels, and interactive stories

Illustration download feature for illustrator monetization

Creation progress, the latest variations in contributions, and story growth charts

Group agreements between collaborators (translators, illustrators, acoustics, assistants), NDA Smart Copyright protection, plagiarism detection

Smart contracts made in advance – the contract template for profit sharing is based on the contribution rate

Competition and trade stories

Finance video production / publishing

The history of IP trading through growth charts, measured by participants’ contributions

Gateway, a beginner writer through the Menu Contest

Distribution and calculation of coupons based on crypto currencies

Main sheets and menu

Pro Stori: a menu for professional writers

Open Stori: a menu for making social histories of all those who share stories with their narratives.

Stori Contesting: competitive menu for amateur writers and influential marketers

Stori Trading: Shopping and Sales Menu with Intellectual Property Stories

Stori Funding: a menu for fundraisers to produce additional works, such as films, web cartoons, etc.

Token Details

Ticker: TORI

Token price in USD: 1 TORI = 0.0034 USD

Blockchain Platform: Ethereum

Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC, USDT

Token supply: 4,000,000,000 TORI

Token Distribution

13% - Team / Advisor

11% - Company

7% - Marketing / Partner

15% - Reserved

15% - Eco Pool

5% - Airdrop

34% - Sale


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Be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.

Till next time…

For more information, please visit:

Website: https://storichain.io/

Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1s902dyb4msuSu4dcg-9tlqE8vVcxC2Kb

Twitter: https://twitter.com/storichain

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/storichain

Telegram: https://t.me/storichain_en

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Author: Cryptoholical

My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2487106

Disclaimer: This article was published in terms of the bounty campaign. I am not a project team member or its representative but a supporter of this incredible project.

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