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5 лет назад

TEMTUM - Cryptocurrency crosses into the mainstream



Cryptocurrency, which is sometimes referred to as digital currencies operate independently of any central authority or banks and it is permissionless to use, the transaction is open & available for people to see.

Because it is decentralized, government authorities such as the Judiciary, Authorities in-charge of taxation, and the central banks do not find it appealing because it cannot be taxed and they don't have power to influence the transactions of traders/participants.

N.B: Cryptocurrencies Transaction cannot be cancelled, cannot be reversed and neither can it be disputed, This is the reason why newbies are advised to have someone who is experienced and careful to guide them whenever they want to carry out a transaction.

Cryptocurrencies can be obtained by buying/purchasing from a digital/crypto-currency exchange platform, The exchanger allows the trader to exchange their Fiat( paper currency) to Alt coins of their choice. The top five (5) cryptocurrency Exchange can be find below:

  1. Binance,
  2. Bitmex,
  3. Kucoin,
  4. Changelly, and
  5. Hobi Pro.

Cryptocurrency Trading platform have their own shortcomings such as: scalability, Cybersecurity issues, price volatility and lack of inherent value, Regulations, and abuse of trust which traders place on the crypto exchange all for the sake of profits, user-friendly interface, these shortcomings cause traders to panic.

As more technological innovations are uncovered, Temtum has set out to solve all inherent problems faced by not only many existing cryptocurrencies but peer-to-peer blockchain networks as a whole both now, and in the most technologically advanced of futures, where speed, scalability, security and high resource requirements are most pertinent and continue to limit adoption.


TEMTUM is a new, lightweight, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency where anyone can support the Temporal Blockchain network, creating a new world of financial freedom away from centralised institutions. Temtum has set out to solve all inherent problems faced by not only many existing cryptocurrencies but peer-to-peer blockchain networks as a whole both now, and in the most technologically advanced of futures, where speed, scalability, security and high resource requirements are most pertinent and continue to limit adoption. The Temporal Blockchain, developed by Dragon Infosec, combined with temtum’s innovative Consensus Algorithms and AI powered Performance Integrity Protocol, removes network competition, drastically improves network efficiency and uses a source of light for quantum effect randomness.

Temtum offers amazing opportunities that have hardly been addressed so far. For cryptocurrencies to thrive, the blockchain must now take the next step in its evolution. And here comes temtum into play. Temtum can help to ensure a truly distributed, decentralized and democratic future for financial transactions. It is a future that does not destroy the environment. A future for all, wherever they live in the world, where the benefits of cryptocurrencies are available and accessible to all. We have not only seen this positive future, we have designed, built, tested and found the technology to be the most effective replacement medium.


The speed of the Temporal network is unrivalled by any existing blockchain technology, with 120k TPS achieved in our lab environment and theoretically unlimited, directly influenced by the scale of the network.

The ultra-lightweight architecture, efficiency and consensus of transactions on Temporal leads to incredible verification speed.

Temporal allows for short term data storage on nodes, while keeping the integrity of the blockchain and its full history. With our consensus algorithm, transactions are no longer required to be sent to every node, instead sent directly to the leader node. Therefore, no wasted resources spent in the needless duplication of messages.

This reduction in storage and processing power makes participation in the network from low-resourced devices possible, whilst using less energy than existing blockchain technology.


Uniquely constructed around the NIST beacon, Temporal broadcasts full-entropy bit-strings in blocks of 512 bits every 60 seconds. This stable method for generating randomness, unpredictability, autonomy, and consistency creates a key theoretically impossible to precompute. Temporal’s quantum mechanics and the use of light over processors, creates a level of randomness never before experienced in computing.

Temporal network topology and security implementation has been tested by Crest accredited firm BSI multiple times and found to be highly secure and robust and validates our claims.



The consensus algorithm removes the requirement for mining, eliminating the need for highly wasteful and restrictive consensus mechanisms such as Proof of Work.

Proof of work currently requires trillions upon trillions of pointless energy intensive computational calculations in order to confirm transactions.

With the unique consensus algorithm we reduce this to a single calculation which each node can independently calculate and arrive at the same result.


Low-efficient Energy

An exceptional agreement calculation that does not require top of the line figuring equipment to affirm exchanges makes Temporal a greener blockchain arrangement.

Lightweight Block Data

Information isn’t required by hubs to be put away locally perpetually on machines, making Temporal exceptionally productive and amazingly lightweight.


Zero implanted exchange costs on the system, making Temtum a ground-breaking digital currency for high volume transactions and exchanges.


With square affirmation taking only 12 seconds, 5 squares for each moment, TEM exchanges are close moment regardless of the sum being sent.


Temtum’s network will have a top class security generating confidence across users.

Such a blockchain is reasonably suitable from the environmental side for the preservation of both nature and human health, makes it available to everyone who wants to participate in the maintenance of the network even from a mobile phone with low energy consumption, the main thing is that the Internet is turned on. Zero fees allow you to make large amounts of transactions.


The team consists of the strongest developers and programmers of the blockchain field, who have published several research papers consisting in corporate business projects that relate to the FTSE 250. To date, the web version and mobile application of the platform are ready, the network has been fully tested.


Dr Douglas Meakin — President

Douglas is an experienced technical executive with many years working within engineering, product development, quality systems and processes and operations in leading-edge technology industries. He is a proven business and operations leader and agent of change in a global context, having transitioned large organisations globally whilst managing huge increases in scope, complexity and business volumes. He is committed to effective and motivational leadership of teams and development of human potential. Most recently Douglas was the corporate vice president of global supplier management at Lam Research Corporation, a leading supplier of semiconductor processing equipment, based in Silicon Valley, California. Doug is CEO of temtum and sits on the board of directors.

Richard Dennis — Chief Development Officer

Richard is the founder of Dragon, and a globally acknowledged, prolific and prodigious cybersecurity and cryptography expert. He is also internationally recognised as one of the world’s leading cybersecurity lecturers with a specialism in secure networks, blockchain and encryption. He has a significant body of published research, cited 100’s of times within Blockchain, and presentations on next-generation solutions across a wide range of subjects, including Bitcoin wallet vulnerability, an analysis into the scalability of Bitcoin and Ethereum, and a formal analysis of the Temporal block.

Ginger Saltos — Chief Technology Officer

Ginger has an MSc in Security IT, MSc in Forensics IT and has worked extensively as a telematics engineer. She has five years of experience across public and private companies in security auditing in Ecuador and she has advised the Ecuadorian government about security on systems, policy and procedures. She is currently a professor at ESPOL, teaching programming, databases, security IT and Forensics IT. Open-Sec Ethical Hacker Certificate OP3N-53C 37H1C4L H4CK3R (OSEH). She is also a PhD candidate on the topic of ‘Analysing Malware using Phylogenetics.’ Her key specialisms are artificial intelligence and internet security.

Dr Gareth Owenson — Chief Information Security Officer

Gareth holds a PhD in Computer Science and a BSc in Internet Technology and is a specialist in internet security, cryptography and distributed systems. He has conducted research in large distributed systems with a particular interest in cryptographic applications such as darknets and digital forensics, including developing automated analysis techniques to rapidly reverse engineer advanced malware to determine its functionality and develop countermeasures. He has authored many publications in journals and conferences and regularly serves as a referee for Elsevier, IEEE and CHINACOM. He has conducted a large study into the use of darknets; he is widely recognised as an expert in this field and frequently speaks on this topic. He has also advised the UK and US governments on darknets and internet filtering policy.

David Hodkinson — Chief Financial Officer

David is the co-founder and CEO of Harvex, a specialist firm working with clients in the cryptocurrency, blockchain and online gaming sector. He has worked with multiple high-value ICO’s, advising on international structuring, banking and tax. As a qualified accountant, he has overseen the financial affairs of a wide range of cryptocurrency companies. Alongside this, he has been involved in the strategic launch of multiple online gaming companies and the integration of cryptocurrency with these platforms.

Cyntia Aguirre — Chief Software Architect

Cyntia is a Master of Science in Software Engineering with a strong background in software development and IT architecture. She has four years’ experience both developing as a full stack developer and designing and implementing software as an IT architect for the financial industry (Banco del Austro S.A.). She also holds a PMP accreditation (Project Manager Professional) certified by the Project Management Institute USA.




Website: https://temtum.com/

Whitepaper: https://temtum.com/downloads/temtum-whitepaper.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/wearetemtum

Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/hs3v4g4

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/temtum

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearetemtum

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxEJq-piVp83Cm3yAOtQgkg

Github: https://github.com/temtum



BTT URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2407711

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