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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

ICO 4new - Processing of waste in the Electric power + Blockchain!

The mankind by providing to itself life of suitable conditions creates a huge number of garbage which accumulates and decays. But there is a reasonable solution of processing of this garbage as it is ideal material for processing, he free and during utilization it is possible to receive heat which in the way technological processes and decisions will be transformed to energy. It is investigative in such scheme garbage - profit.
The team of the project 4NEW has undertaken to realize this idea.

The project 4NEW proposes the first-ever solution of problems of power. This environmentally friendly decision with use of a blockchain on waste recycling. I have announced the project about the beginning of fund raising for construction of the first-ever plant on processing of waste which is completely integrated into technology a blockchain for ensuring reliability and durability. It is the unique project which will not only work for the benefit of ecological wellbeing of mankind but also will be profitable business. The project will be environmentally friendly as will use useless household waste without drawing harming the environment. 4New in the real world will unite two products to make a product with effect of expenses and to get profit on him extending it to the consumer. Better to understand waste it is a daily product which always is much and energy it is a daily useful product which is always required and if it is cheap it can create huge demand.
The platform 4NEW is founded on a new ecosystem of energy production by processing of waste in the camera of high pressure. This project is production and is designed to promote improvement an ecological situation in regions development of enormous energy and collateral organic products solving in fact two main global problems – the shortage of energy resources and ecology of the environment.
The idea of 4NEW in combination of the best practices of various countries on processing of waste and production on their basis of energy commercially. Considering that production of cryptocurrency demands big power consumption to assume logically that it a part of the developed energy will be used for these purposes.

This production has been conceived and developed by the English scientists. Introduction of such production is begun by the British companies activities for development of the concept, modernization of the equipment, training of specialists have begun.
As every year mining becomes more expensive and more complex and stocks of natural resources are limited this project represents a good alternative to classical power sources.
Token and ICO 4NEW
In 4NEW tokens have potential of smart contracts. They establish the obligatory relations between two participants of the transaction and provide value for each transaction. Each transaction is transparent for all parties that allows them to see the same operations and cost thus they considerably control a subject of a dispute and loss of income.
The token used on the platform for transactions makes payments and regulates use of the electric power households the industry and private users is 4NEW coins. Each plant 4NEW has the minimum annual power about 40 000 tons per year of processing of waste.

Token: KWATT(ERC-20)
ICO start: 26 Jan 2018
End of ICO: 10 Aug 2018
Information sources

And in conclusion I want to tell

In more detail with this project you can will examine on the official site. Where are presented both the road map and short statements of an essence of the project and it is natural to eat a clean sheet in which you will be able plunge in more detail and deeply into an essence and the concept of this project. Also on official channels of information you can obtain all freshest information on development of this project.

The announcement of listing of a token at two exchanges. There was the last period when it is possible to buy FRNCoin which is shortly designated as KWATT. This time at the same time still works from July 20 to August 10 a bonus   25% to purchase. Its price is 2 dollars. But it is possible to spend and popular cryptocurrency having got tokens from the debit or credit card. Managers of telegram of the channel warn community of subscribers that it is possible to send money only from a purse of the supporting ERC-20. MEW will approach better than all. From exchangers it is strictly forbidden to send money as they will be gone.
4 new the platform makes the serious competition to startups based on solar ES. Not everywhere there is a lot of sun and by-products of an urbanization need the correct application to bring benefit in the form of energy to make the planet as it is possible more purely.

Website: https://4new.io
Whitepaper: https://4new.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/4New_White_Paper_English-.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/EgIZbBDLYGHlhtbSS58i-Q
ANN Theard https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2990989

— Autor: upbit
— Donate: 0x4954c5CbB96ebD73EA18a1F3ECefc98362BF10F2

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