Уважаемые пользователи Голос!
Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Memority - secure decentralized data storage on blockchain

Memority is a highly decentralized and highly secure and valuable data storage platform on blockchain, ensuring the continuous availability of multiple copies of encrypted data at unrelated storage locations worldwide.

About a platform:

  • Completely decentralized, ultra-secure encrypted data storage on the blockchain.
  • Owners of 10,000 or more MMR tokens receive an exclusive opportunity to earn MMR tokens through mining without the need of expensive computing equipment (Proof of Authority mining).
  • Alpha version of the application is ready.

Memority’s mission is to create a self-sufficient ecosystem that includes many applications to meet the needs of businesses, government organizations and individuals in the ultra-secure storage of all kinds of valuable data.


  • File Encryption
  • Decentralized storage
  • Protection against data falsification
  • Motivation of all participants
  • Mining Authority Testing
  • API for application development

Advantages of the project:

- The data is encrypted with your private key
No one, except the owner, can physically view the contents of the files, as they are encrypted with a private key, which is stored only by the owner of the data.

- Data is protected against accidental deletion
The system always stores multiple copies of data (the default value is 10), the monitoring system will periodically check its availability and create new copies in other stores if there are not enough duplicates.

- Data is protected against counterfeiting
The unique data identifiers are stored in the blockchain database, the system regularly searches for forgeries and restores the correct number of copies with genuine data if the files have been forged.

- The system is completely autonomous and independent
Data storage, the process of copying and retrieving files, data encryption and authenticity validation are completely decentralized, there is no dependence on any centralized system.

Token investments and the token cost are protected from inflation. This is achieved by limiting the number of tokens and rewarding all participants in the system. In its turn, this will popularize the project and increase invectores’ profits in the long term perspective.

MMR tokens are necessary for the functioning of the entire ecosystem.

Tokens can be obtained for: 

1. providing space for data (hosting files of other participants); 

2. becoming an investor in the ICO process and exchanging purchased tokens to MMR; 

3. becoming a miner;

4. developing applications for Memority platform. 

Start date of public

Pre-ICO: May 16, 2018

End date of the public

Pre-ICO: May 30, 2018

ICO start date: May 31, 2018

ICO end date: October 1, 2018

Starting price of the EMT token: 0.1 USD.

Other information:

0.061 GOLOS
На Golos с June 2018
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