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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

🔥INTRO - Ecosystem for residential construction market players🔥

Hello, dear guests and regular readers of my blog! Many of us try to create for themselves a large cash capital or financial security cushion for several years and choose different tools. One of the most interesting options that show relatively good stability is equity construction or buying property.

In order to buy an apartment at once you need a solid amount, and take it to the mortgage, I think it is not quite reasonable, as it is a long-term bondage and overpayment of 30-40% of the total amount. Therefore, participation in the construction or purchase of a part of the property is a great way to sell it in the future or to use as your home.

But most construction companies periodically have problems with financing the construction of their facilities, little support from the state, the outflow of private investors, which minimizes the attention of other people and, accordingly, to the construction of new houses. In addition, there are also unreliable construction organizations that simply cheat and do not return money to people, they have to go to court, lose their nerves and time.

Therefore, there are problems of the following nature: trust in developers, confidence in their investments and its payback, low interest on mortgages. And all these shortcomings will be able to eliminate the project called INTRO.
It creates a decentralized transparent ecosystem for all participants of the real estate market with the introduction of blockchain technology and allows holders of INTRO tokens to purchase real estate at a discount of up to 30%, participate in private auctions and auctions, receive all the Analytics of this sphere on one platform, invest in any object anywhere in the world, organize a common pool of investors and take a mortgage without interest for up to 3 years using smart contracts.

This eliminates a lot of intermediaries in the form of banking and electronic payment systems, contracts are concluded with the help of smart contracts that guarantee the fulfillment of all conditions or the return of your money. All real estate objects are checked by independent auditors and recorded in the general register that excludes the fact of fraud.

As for the prospects of this idea, the team already has two working products that work already in this market:

- the first is called INTRO SALE(you can download for two operating systems on these links https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/ru-sale/id1265126766?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.sale&hl=en or use the desktop version https://ru.sale/), it is a professional auction and real estate market on the blockchain, where more than 200 brokers, 10 agencies;

- the second-INTRO ANALYTICA(so far has only the web version https://introa.ru/) this is a patented technology and provides extensive information on shared construction projects using artificial intelligence. Two functions in the process of finalization: RESTATE INTRO and INTRO CONVENT.
Now there is a sale of tokens ITR cost 40 cents with various bonuses and funds raised will go to the development of ecosystems and improvements of the products. Token holders receive exclusive access to the services of these four online services for a certain period of time depending on their number. The company was formed in 2016 and actively participates in many conferences and events, members are experts in online trading, construction, business and other areas.

The idea is very ambitious and promising, so I recommend you to carefully study, as this type of investment is possible and will not give large profit percentages, but is much more stable and less volatile compared to the existing ones. Still, smart contracts and blockchain technology will protect you from theft of your personal data and provide verified information. I hope my thoughts were useful to you, thank you for your attention!

More information you can find on these links:






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