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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

RedCab - the best platform for a taxi call around the world!

Throughout centuries people used different types of transport. The transport industry has seen huge changes in the development plan for technologies and use by people. Large-scale use of cars is an everyday occurrence in the world as they became a main type of transport. One of the biggest problems is the monopoly of large players in branches which are inclined to undermine the profit of drivers and owners of cars. The transport industry faces a serious problem of technological integration as the new technology takes root on the market!

How often do you use taxi services? I more than am sure that on average the person living in the big city at least 3 times a week makes a trip on such type of transport. For a call and assessment of quality of service have thought up for a long time a set of applications which can give you these opportunities. One of the most popular around the world is the application of Uber!

This application really is convenient and opens the mass of opportunities for its users. The application of Uber allows the users возможноть a taxi call in any point on the map in which this application works. Plus to everything you can keep track of location of your taxi, learn the price, read responses and a lot of things are many other things.

Certainly this application is rather useful but to all other has also the shortcomings. For example the price of the taxi is much overstated because often between you and the third party who collects a payment in the form of a certain commission costs the driver. One more not pleasant moment is that it isn't possible to pay the trip by means of cryptocurrency. On it the RedCab project creates the most perfect and innovative platform which will replace all already existing platforms of this sort. Today I want to tell you in more detail about this project and to point out his privileges among other platforms.
Website: https://redcab.io/

**What the project is? **

RedCab is the decentralized platform which works on technology a blockchain. This platform has gained the recognition worldwide and already successfully functions. The purpose of this platform is reduction of cost of payments for trips. By means of technologies which are introduced to the platform it to become possible already right now.

Thus you can already estimate work of the platform and be convinced on how many it is more favorable to become. By means of the RedCab platform you will forget what is high cost of trips and you will just enjoy service.
Website: https://redcab.io/

How will the platform work?
Work of the platform is constructed on mutually advantageous conditions. The person who will use services of the RedCab application can be confident that he will be brought with observance of all rules and in time for that cost which has been specified initially. To begin work it is necessary to install the application and to buy specialized currency namely tokens of the RedCab application. By means of these tokens you will be able to make calculation in the taxi.

Creation and use of tokens is intended for usability of the platform and ease of calculation in any country. There will be no problems with a currency exchange and loss of means at a difference of courses any more. Both parties can be confident in honesty of the opposite person. The driver will know for example that during the trip, other means on the customer account will be blocked and he can only pay off him for a perfect trip.

The platform offers the decentralized system in which during each trip tokens will be generated. Also they are generated during all trip. It will also be payment to the taxi driver for work. The more the car for change is loaded the more tokens will be received by the driver. Therefore and the price for a trip will be reduced.
Developers of the project within a year investigated this market and have come to a conclusion that the decentralized system is necessary as the prices of trips constantly grow.

For owners of smartphones on the IOS and Android platforms applications for drivers and passengers are already released. Transactions for each trip will be made by means of internal currency of REDC.

Sale of tokens
The minimum contribution   is necessary for participation it is 0.1 ETH and other cryptocurrency isn't accepted. For 1 Ethereum it is possible to get 2,33 coins of REDC. The period of sale lasts from June 22 to August 15 the current year.
The RedCab platform is interesting and unique. Though the idea and small but the easiest to realize it. The dot solution of a task   - pravilny strategy and she will shoot certainly in the nearest future!

And in conclusion I want to tell

This company plans to improve as much as possible this sphere and to give the chance to the users as much as possible to enjoy trips and to forget about those. The fabulous prices which they gave for the taxi when using of other platforms. If you the investor or just want to support the project and to try on the experience the RedCab application that you can get tokens of the platform and already now begin to use the application. Thanks for attention, all references to the project you will find below. Don't forget the main thing, your investments this your future!

Website: https://redcab.io/
Whitepaper: https://redcab.io/downloads/Whitepaper_EN_v1.0.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/RedCab_ICO

— Autor: upbit
— Donate: 0x4954c5CbB96ebD73EA18a1F3ECefc98362BF10F2

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