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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Keukenhof park. (Netherlands). The most beautiful spring garden in the world! (Photos by sardart)

About a one-hour drive from Amsterdam, in the Bulb region, is the beautiful Keukenhof park, which, as all tourist sites say, is considered the most beautiful spring garden in the world. More than 7 million tulips, daffodils and hyacines fill over 32 hectares with color and fragrance.
The Keukenhof Park is a truly unique place in the world, with more than 30 gardeners working for months to plant these 7 million flowerbulbs that can be admired in the two months opening of the park (mid-March to mid-May).
The stunning flower arrangements (tulips, daffodils, musk, hyacinths ...) form a truly unique and unusual landscape especially in the hilly part where the beautiful flowering flowerbeds crouch in the beautiful trees.
There are many varieties of tulip and narcissus that you can admire.
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Many also the trees in full bloom that enrich this delightful and unique park. Inside the park are several pavilions with a rich show of other flowers, shops for souvenirs and famous Dutch bulbs.
Even though it is visited by so many people, the park organization is really very efficient. There are so many places for rest and rest in the park that can be visited and easily reached by organized tours and departing from Amsterdam or it can be easily reached also by yourself.
Around the park you can admire the famous fields of tulips that, colorful, form an unforgettable landscape paintings
If you love flowers is a must visit ... it will be an unforgettable experience!
These are my photos I took on a recent trip.
Enjoy this beauty!
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thanks for your time!

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