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5 лет назад

The End Time has come for Global Carbon Emission

Undoubtedly, climate change is one of the most pressing collective problems the world is facing right now. Regardless of whether we will most likely curb our carbon emissions rapidly enough to keep away from the catastrophic impacts of climate change is still particularly unclear.

In the quest for solutions for this global problem, a significant part of the work to date has concentrated on climate agreements that create marketplaces to put a price on carbon, along these lines creating a compliance carbon market. There are likewise voluntary carbon market that have made some progress, enabling organizations to balance their carbon emissions by financing projects or rainforest rehabilitation.

The two markets present difficulties with issues around double counting, transparency, trust and scalability. Platform like Zero Carbon based on blockchain technology can possibly help with improving and bringing honesty to these current markets. Despite the fact that it's at is early stage, there is some progress here.

What is the Zero Carbon Project?
The Zero Carbon Project is tackling climate change by utilizing the blockchain technology and international carbon credits. Renewable energy has reacted well to the climate change challenge, with great cost reduction accomplished. Be that as it may, the impact of renewable energy on climate change is too small and too slow because of enormous amount of fund involved compared to non-renewable energy sources.

The Zero Carbon project is targeted at the democratization of energy utilization around the world. Zero Carbon was developed for energy customers to have simple access to clean energy. Zero Carbon was developed with the purposed to tackle climate changes which occurred because of carbon emission by encouraging the mass adoption of renewable energy at a modest cost and connecting different authorities relating to climate and energy researches to help this purpose byl using blockchain technology.

The Main Features of Zero Carbon platform
• Energy Suppliers are energy providers that can sell it. This energy must be delivered in a clean manner (solar panels, windmills, and so forth.). Among them might be those that don't at present have facilities for energy generation, the platform will issue loan for the purchase of facilities. This model of energy supply promotes solid local rivalry between direct power producers.

• Consumers are final electricity consumers. They choose the best option available for energy supply and go into an agreement with its provider legitimately through smartcontract. In this manner, providers have a sense of development in the battle for purchasers. Furthermore, consumers have a option, unlike the present circumstance, when energy monopolists dictate the price to the buyer.

• Exchanger. It is the token use for exchange of goods and services on the platform. Everybody will be able topartake in the Zero Carbon economy with the assistance of the NRG token. It likewise offers the chance to pay for power with any cryptocurrency. It additionally opens up open doors for Autonomous and free mining utilizing power, which isn't seen by the authorities interested in monopoly.

• Energis smart contracts. It serves to formalize the connection between clean energy providers and consumers. The entire processes happen automatically through a mobile apps or the interface of the individual record on the Zero Carbon service site.

How Zero Carbon Platform functions?
Providers of zero carbon energy can source from fossil fuel yet pay a little premium to counterbalance the carbon emissions utilizing international carbon credits.

To cover the carbon counterbalance premium so as to beat fossil fuel costs, our Market applies serious competition by pulling in a wide scope of suppliers to Market with their best zero carbon energy costs, designed specifically to our purchasers size, location and utilization pattern.

• Suppliers present their best zero carbon energy offers
• Offers are compared transparently utilizing like-for-like correlations, utilizing an online exchanging system for homes and an online reverse auction system for business.
• Consumers choose their favored least expensive contract choice over our Market.
• The consumer finishes the agreement legitimately with the successful energy provider.

Existing Problem of Renewable Energy
For what reason is it until today that mankind is extracting energy from hydrocarbons, if there are other, cleaner and tranquil ways? The truth of the matter is that the generation and supply of renewable energy today is more costly than non-renewable, particularly the change to it. This requires expensive equipment and high skilled manpower. Likewise, clean energy is costly to deliver to the purchaser.

Every one of these issues is solvable in the foreseeable future with the assistance of Blockchain technology.

A competitive 'Zero Carbon Market' which gives buyers access to less expensive energy contracts where the carbon discharges have been balanced by international carbon credits.

Besides, our blockchain economy depends on Energis tokens that have been designed to capture the future value that buyers get from our Market. This is enable utilizing the distributed ledger, Ethereum smart contracts and crypto trades.

Detail of ICO
Name: NRG
Emission: 240 000 000
Smart contract: Ethereum ERC-20
Soft cap: $2M
Hard cap: $20M
Price of 1 NRG token: $0.2
Accepted currencies: ETH



The Zero Carbon project was developed by individuals who are aware of the environment in which they live. Nature is just like our home that should be carefully protected and used clean. If we fail to secure our home now, our children unborn will have to find other planets to live. The Zero Carbon project was developed to solve the present challenges in our environment and make it a better place not for us only but also our next generation to come.

For more information, please visit:
WEBSITE: https://www.zerocarbonproject.com
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/ZeroCarbonProject
WHITEPAPER: https://www.zerocarbonproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Zero_Carbon_Project_White_Paper_v2_2018_06_11-1.pdf
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3396140.0
BOUNTY THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3406822.0
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/zerocarbonproject/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ZeroCarbonPrjct
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/zero-carbon-project
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/zerocarbonproject/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCILwm1XKqdCe507-x3cUArA
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZeroCarbonProject/
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/zerocarbonproject/

Bitcointalk Username: Alaho15
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2513944
Eth Address: 0xf8c20030A71708E73D58Ab3900629F17B8875da5

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