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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Reacting to Life's Curveballs and Blessings- Governing our Reactions


"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it."
-Charles R. Swindoll

Every day, we are faced with challenges. Life throws us curveballs, drops wrenches on our heads and sticks sugar in our gas tanks. But, life also gives us gifts, blessings and opportunities that we must react to as well.

You have likely heard the saying "Your attitude determines you altitude". If we anticipate curveballs and blessings, we can take advantage of either situation. But how can we best do this?

Planning for the worst and hoping for the best is one way to react to our situations appropriately. If we go into each situation with our eyes open to the possibility of loss, our gains can be adequately captured. Negotiations and opportunities we would not have noticed suddenly work to our advantage. Mabey we can even forge alliances with others by passing on gifts we may not want or use.

We must always be learning and planning. If life is how we react to our situations, we need to understand how to react. Training and skills development are a must. We must become "Swiss Army Men" and know how to stretch ourselves. We need to build alliances with others who have a diverse skillset and etwork constantly. Remember to always give back and give thanks to those who have helped you. Mentor others and never take a gift for granted.

Now go forth and prosper.

Originally published in my Weku account I own at:

Also published in my Hyperspace, Bearshares, Serey, Golos and Whaleshares accounts I own.

Image from Pixabay.

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На Golos с January 2019
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