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Batmine - A Decentralized Cryptocurrency Mining Platform

The fever of blockchain seems to take on most of the current industries as we know of. Bitcoin showed us a glimpse of a world without banks and financial institutions. More and more blockchain applications are joining the race today. And what is really important, these technologies are suggesting that they can revolutionize the very way we live our lives today.

Many think that blockchain business applications will soon face a bubble-burst similar to the one seen in the cryptocurrencies market. Nonetheless, the technology just keeps evolving and coming back with new areas for its business applications. We can expect in the future many changes in mining, payment processes, cloud computing, cybersecurity, supply chain, and many others, coming from the new business possibilities opened by blockchain technology.

Mіnіng іѕ thе асt of producing the vаrіоuѕ cryptocurrencies thаt run thе fіnаnсіаl ѕуѕtеm оf thе blосkсhаіn. Mining іѕ аn еnеrgу-dереndеnt асtіvіtу аnd thuѕ serious соnѕіdеrаtіоn has tо be рut іn рlасе whеn mіnіng hаѕ tо be done. This is duе tо the fасt thаt еnеrgу ѕuррlу must bе unіntеrruрtеd аnd орtіmum. Some of the type of cryptocurrency mining include, Home Mining, Cloud Mining, and Industrial Mining Farm


The mining іnduѕtrу has also keyed into utilizing blockchain technology, but here are some of the challenges being faced and BATMINE has developed a platform that solves all of these issues.

Insecurity: Due tо thе fасtѕ thаt ѕіtеѕ mіnіng exchange sites dо not put іn рrоtосоl fоr whеn аn account іѕ hасkеd оr malicious software is uѕеd tо ѕtеаl frоm an ассоunt, most оf thеѕе ѕіtеѕ and ѕоftwаrе are rendered unѕаfе fоr thе uѕеr/іnvеѕtоr.

Lack Of Transparency: Wіthоut a рrореr undеrѕtаndіng of thе рrосеdurеѕ of thе site аnd ѕеrvісеѕ рrоvіdеd, іnvеѕtоrѕ blіndlу place аѕѕеtѕ and ѕuffеr undeniable lоѕеѕ tо sites that rеmаіn ambiguous about thе соntеnt displayed and ѕеrvісе provided.


BatMine is a mining transaction platform which intends to offer users the opportunity to mine the “BATM" tokens (the currency that drives the ecosystem) with the goal of offering incentives and refunding transaction cost.

BatMine will open a professionally built and operated crypto mining platform in the European Union with the fastest hash power and lowest electricity rates available. This jurisdiction was chosen for its safe environment, an abundance of low cost green energy, and excellent taxation. The mines will operate, depending on how much we raise, up to 10,000 miners. The miners will be housed in environmentally and economically optimized locations with climate control. For energy we will pay in average 4 cents per KwH, and our miners reach a hash power of up to 55 Th/s. If by the time of the end of the ICO there is equipment with a higher hash power and/or better electricity ratio we will of course buy those. BatMine has chosen to use the Silent Partnership legal framework resulting in contractually guaranteed fixed 30% profit sharing rights for ICO investors for a period of 10 years.

BatMine as a crypto mining platform is known to offer quite a number of benefits which sets it apart from other similar platforms or programs. The platform has got the benefits of a blockchain platform which include transparency, decentralization, cost-effectiveness, and privacy. The platform has been developed by skilled and gifted blockchain professionals and cyber artisans. The platform is known to create the most productive, advanced, sustainable and fastest cryptocurrency mine that is known to us.

The platform is driven by environmentally friendly power and green energy which makes power easily accessible and also cost-effective. Not just that, but the platform also guarantees the users with a steady source of income. Users can take advantage of the excellent UI in order to keep track of their mining results in a transparent way. In short, it can be said that the platform has got many unique features which makes it different and better than the rest. The platform aims to be the best crypto mining platform out there.


The developers of the platform are aiming to create the most profitable, advanced, sustainable and fastest crypto mine for the users. This is a crypto mine that you can join and become a part of the BatMine community.

BatMine is established in the European Union which is the safest and friendliest crypto jurisdictions in the world.

BatMine is basically a unique creation which is based on high capacity, new generation, LTC, ETH, BTC, and other currencies; mining tools and Green energy.

The platform is also known to offer Mining as a Service (MaaS), sales of mining hardware and custodial services.

The company has also collaborated with a first-class miner and chip design company.

The company makes use of Single Partnership structure which is under the Czech (EU) law in order to legally distribute the profits.

About The Mining Locations

Various factors will be considered before opening any mining center, below are key things to note before a location can be chosen.

A cool climate is very essential because mining hardware do not need a hot environment, it needs proper air ventilation to avoid overheating.

A secure location that allows quick response in case of any emergency.

A good structured building that suits commercial mining operation.

A region with cheap & affordable electricity bills.

A region with adequate green energy at around 4 cents per kilowatt.

BatMine(BATM) Token Details

The BATMINE TOKEN (BATM) token is denoted as BATM, this is a utility token which was created on the ethereum blockchain (smart contract) which will be used as the standard mode of payment for services rendered on the platform. BATM will be the driving force in which batmine will ride on, as mentioned above there will be discounts on cryptocurrency mining pool which highly depends on the amount of tokens owned, the more BATM in a particular user’s wallet the more discount they are entitled to.

Holders of BATM will be able to vote for changes they want to be enforced, be part of development planning, discuss community events and matters arising with the executive team members. The amount of BATM owned will determine the weight of the vote casted. To protect the value of WBT, the team plans to burn unsold and undistributed tokens after the sales, no other token will ever be created, minted or mined.

Token Details

Token Name: BATMINE

Ticker: BATM
Network: ERC-20 Compatible
Soft Cap: 1 Million EURO
Hard Cap: 19 Million EURO
Accepted Cryptocurrency for purchase: ETH

Token Distribution

Team: 5%
Bounty, Airdrop & Advisory: 10%
Reserve: 15%
Private Sale: 30%
Public Sale: 40%

Funds Distribution

Marketing: 10%
Operations: 10%
R & D: 20%
Farm construction, Miners & First year Reserve: 60%


Profit sharing of 50% of net income is shared with token holders every month, six months and years depending on the accumulation of points and the length of time the BATM tokens are held. Payments will be made through smart contracts.

The BatMine legality takes appropriate steps to comply with all security laws established by the government. The aim is to become the most profitable cryptomine based revenue sharing company in the mining industry. BatMine plans to operate legally under the jurisdiction.

Trust: Being a registered company allows investment security compared to similar companies around the world. Registration for the official BatMine Mining business entity can be found here.

Cheap Electricity Rates Electricity: costs for BATM Mining are below 4 cents per kWh with all additional cost factors included. BATM has the cheapest electricity costs from all profit sharing mining companies.




WEBSITE: https://batmine.io/

WHITEPAPER: https://batmine.io/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/20190110-Whitepaper-FINAL.pdf

ONEPAGER: https://batmine.io/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/20190110-OnePager-FINAL.pdf

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/batmineICO

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/BatMineICO/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/batmineico

MEDIUM: https://medium.com/batmine

BountyOx Username: SheyCrypto

0.388 GOLOS
На Golos с March 2019
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