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5 лет назад

XR Web - A Decentralized Extended Reality (XR) Platform On The Blockchain

Digital economy is developing at a rapid pace. In just a few years, the blockchain technology has accumulated an incredibly massive infrastructure, which becomes easier and easier to integrate into, and requirements for digital currencies are rising proportionally to increasing popularity of the distributed ledger technology.

Crypto enthusiasts have gained understanding that crypto currency is just a starting point in the development of crypto industry. The potential of the blockchain technology is much larger than being simply the basis for digital coins; this is why next-generation blockchain platforms have started to appear whose capabilities exceed the possibilities of classic crypto currencies by tens or even hundreds of times. It is difficult to overestimate the potential of these platforms, and their functionality is surprisingly universal.
The blockchain brings in several utilities into the real estate ecosystem, social media, gaming, eCommerce and many more. Let's take a detailed look into a unique and innovative platform, the XR WEB, a decentralized network protocol that converts our physical space into a secured and encrypted three-dimensional internet space where content and applications can be projected, displayed and transacted.


XR Web is a decentralized network protocol that converts our physical space into a secured and encrypted three-dimensional internet space where content and applications can be projected, displayed and transacted.
XR Web formerly known as GofindXR is a decentralized extended reality (XR) platform and virtual world on top of the real world which is powered by the Ethereum blockchain and InterPlanetary File System (IPFS).

The XR Web has its own economy and virtual currency called the XR Token. It is utilized to register land and secure transactions on the XR Web. Several applications that includes social media, games and shopping can be developed on this new XR Land as it it the new 3D Internet. Using the XR tokens, investors and users can stake them to a specific geographical locations and receive a revenue share from ads or transactions in the applications from transaction charges and applications.

The Main Components of The XR Web Ecosystem

XR Browser

It is the camera-based mobile spatial browser that will allow users to see the XR web directly. This element will enable users to experience internet surfing in XR mode on the go on both iOS and Android phones. The demo versions of this are now available. Conclusively the browser will transition for smart glasses as they become regular place.

XR Web

It is the collection of the geolocations and connected assets and applications. Components of the XR Land can be rented by users by staking XR tokens. All critical transaction in the XR Land such as Land ownership is registered on the blockchain.

XR Token

This is the cryptographic currency that is utilized in Gofind’s XR Land for leasing XR Land and many other transactions.


It is the standardized system of URLs directing to exact locations in the XR Web from a distant location than the location in reference. It can be reached by compatible XR browsers using the prefix ‘xtpps://’.

XR Lens Store & SDK

Lenses are comparable to web apps in 2D internet. Lenses are built utilizing the free SDKs in Unity and Javascript.

XR Ads Engine

It is a self-serve platform for marketers to set ads on XR world and for developers and builders to make their share of revenue. This XR part allows users to view ads in virtual reality as well as XR Web. The Ad engine will be accessible to serve ads in XR Land as well as in other AR applications outside the XR Land. Advertisers will be capable to bid on ads based off of location, demographics, dates and budget. Ads of highest bidder is promoted until spend operates out followed by the next highest bid.

How It Works?

The Potential Use of XR and Applications Using XR

For Games

The Niantic’s Pokemon has previously illustrated how compelling AR gaming can be. The blast of AR Gaming is coming up. The team are making the Library store and Economy for AR Gaming advance.

For Shopping

A virtual makeover is creating tides in the beauty industry; the motor trade is becoming involved too. With Land Rover providing the keys to customers in order to ‘drive’ their SUVs by clicking on a banner ad; IKEA’s AR solution created using Apple’s AR development platform ARKit allows consumers use an app to place any of the company’s 2,000 products in its catalogue to-scale, in a room in their home, via the camera on their phone; and only Gap announced ‘Dressing Room.'

For Social Media

Extended reality (XR) is already hitting social media and its made so for years now. It looks like AR is taking over the most popular social networks in the globally including Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and this new AR technology is introduced all the time. Plus, these topmost social networks are very much inspiring people to not only apply their AR features as much as possible, but even to build their own AR experiences by supplying the tools they need to make AR camera lenses and effects.

About The XR Token

XR Token is the cryptographic currency that is used in XR WEB XR Land for leasing XR Land and various other transactions.

Token Details

Token name: XRWEB
Platform: - ERC20
Token ticker: - XR
Total Number of tokens: 1.3 Billion
Soft Cap: $2 Million
Hard Cap: $25 Million
Buy XR Tokens now with Bonus: https://www.ico.xrweb.netwotk

About Token Sale

XR Token (XR) is a native cryptographic token designed for the XR Ecosystem. The total token supply is 1.3 billion tokens. XR web seeks to raise between USD 5 – 25 million on Initial Token sales. Find below the allocation of tokens and the use of funds which are designed to maximize the value of the token ecosystem. 35% of total token supply tokens will be issued for the crowdsale.

Token Allocation

Funds Allocation


Stake & unstable Land with no Levy

XR tokens can be used to stake and unstake parts of the XR Estate by earth’s geolocation without any levy charges.

Earn other tokens

Holders of XR Tokens earn revenue share from advertisements and other transactions on the XR Web. Part of the share is distributed to entire network and part of additional share is distributed to holders of XR tokens within a 10 miles radius of the event. The revenue share is automatically deposited to the XR Token holders in their XR Wallet.

Trade in exchanges

XR Tokens will be trade-able in major exchanges in 2019 for other various other crypto and digital assets.

Use and play exclusive games, apps and events

Holders of XR Tokens has exclusive access to various games , apps and both online/offline events.

Bid for Stake Land

XR Token holders can bid for 10X their holding to XR Land

Free transactions

Transactions with XR Tokens has no fees in XR Web. All other currencies incur a levy in XR Web which can vary from applications.

XR tokens Market Dynamics

XR tokens provide great benefits event while they are in your wallet in following ways.



Click on the useful links below for more information;

Website: https://www.xrweb.network/

Whitepaper: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2po81s5amqscfjf/WP_English_revised_Feb5%20%281%29.pdf?dl=0

Twitter: https://twitter.com/xrwebnetwork

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xrwebnetwork

Telegram: https://t.me/gofindxr

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xrwebnetwork

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gofind/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-x6e65y0c4-IvDrsQf55ew

Bounty0x username: SheyCrypto

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