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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

If you don't produce, Elway will cut your ass Quick! Shane Ray.

The Denver Broncos have decided to pass on picking up the 5th year contract option for 2015 1st round draft pick Shane Ray. This was not that big of a surprise to me as I mentioned in my draft day video that the selection of Bradley Chubb #5 overall this year tells the story of how Shane Rays Time in Denver may be limited. Ray will have to have a boom year with about 8 or more sacks to stay in Denver. The option was around 9 million dollars and the production we have gotten from him has been lackluster. Ray has battles some wrist surgery and was anxious to get back in the game last year.....so much that he was jumping off sides at critical times for us.
In the NFL you can't miss on draft picks and especially on first rounders who get paid a lot and must help your team day one. Ray has never been that guy for us. Originally from Kansas City, the tatted up Shane Ray is already on my shit list for his Chiefs tattoos on his back. I would not be surprised to see Ray end up in KC next year due to the age of Justin Houston and the mediocre play of Dee Ford. If that happens, Bronco Fans worldwide will turn on him with the quickness!
Shane Ray has something to prove not only to Denver fans and teammates. If he plays well it's gonna cost the Broncos more to re-sign him next year. If he plays bad...well I hope he ends up becoming a little 2nd place, red ribbon, booger pickin, flag pole licker Kansas City Chief. This way our fans can yell at him for all the money he stole from us. We paid a lot of money to him and he has given us very little value. Good luck Shane Ray, your next contract depends on it.

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