ISKRA Lucem [ Projects That Care About The Future Of Childrens ]
Hello, ISKRA LUCEM Article Lovers,
Since the emergence of Bitcoin in 2008, which was introduced by the genius Satoshi Nakamoto, various efforts were made at that time, to implement blockchain technology in various aspects of business globally, and has been proven, with the existence of Blockchain technology can offer low costs for all transactions in activities industry, trade, and security assurance processes. Blockhain technology develops very fast, and is tailored to the needs of the community of each user. So along with the passage of time and increasingly sophisticated technological developments, people have understood and accepted the importance of Bitcoin which can be used to meet our needs about investing in a better future. Therefore, Bitcoin continues to innovate and continues to grow together, with the emergence of new project projects in the field of cryptocurrency. This project also has the same quality ..
Alright, reader friends, this project I named ISKRA Lucem .
This is a cryptocurrency project that uses digital currency as a payment tool.
What do you think?
If you want to know more about this project, I will bring you to the core explanation of this project.
•What Is This ?
ISKRA is a digital currency, safe and neutralized, with blockhain-based technology. Why is that ?? because ISKRA is made using smart contracts as a currency, and as an instant digital payment tool. But most people argue, if ISKRA is the same as the other coins, it is true that everything has a point. But there is a difference between ISKRA and other coins, namely ISKRA is a pure coin and is one of the best new payment instruments and ensures payment transactions that are truly decentralized.
•How Its Work ?
ISKRA is based on blockhain technology that can transact transparently, quickly and unlimitedly so that it can easily be accessed throughout the world. This is a new way of payment using digital currency. ISKRA is a crypto currency that you can use as a charity base that you can use to help children who need help around the world. this is a very brilliant idea in my opinion. Because with the foundation that cares for children, this will help and can provide a better future for abandoned children throughout the world.
Many foundations spend a lot of money to enlarge their foundations for personal gain, so a lot of money is spent on maintaining and serving the foundation than the foundation itself spends on the actual project. So ISKRA came to solve the problem that exists at this time, so that the foundation functions properly. Lucem is a fundraising project for children, to provide assistance in the form of medical equipment and medicines for children throughout the world. Using blockchain technology, Lucem and ISKRA are developer projects created to solve social problems of children in need. Because all funds collected by the project will be donated to help children.
With the aim of donating to charities, Lucem of Hope Community is a foundation that cares deeply and helps with the development of children who are in dire need of help. With blockhain-based technology, ISKRA is a decentralized platform, so users can propose projects that are owned, and anyone has the right to help how it works. So that it will create something profitable between the two parties.
With so many children who need help in the world, it requires us to always care about their destiny. And to solve this problem, Lucem is present by providing solutions to solve existing problems because ISKRA is a fund-raising project for children, to provide assistance in the form of medical equipment and medicines for children throughout the world. This certainly helps to ease the burden of the government and the State in overcoming the welfare problems of children throughout the world. because ISKRA is a project that cares deeply and cares for the fate of children.
•Token Details
Name: ISKRA - Crypto Coin Of Hope
Ticker: CCOH
Type: ERC-20
Max Amount: 300.000.000
Price (Pre-Sale): ≈ $1 usd/[0.004 eth] =1 ISKRA
min.Amount for txn: 0.2 eth
Recommended min.: 10GWEI and 121000 Gas
•Token Allocations
•Feature :
By using blockchain technology, and built on the puntar contract, ISKRA is a digital currency, which is safe and neutralized. And it is made based on blockhain technology that can transact transparently, quickly and unlimitedly so that it will be easily accessible to all parts of the world. This is a new way of payment using digital currency. Then users can propose projects that are owned, and anyone has the right to help how it works. So that it will create something profitable between the two parties.
Lucem is a fundraising project for children, and to provide assistance in the form of medical equipment and medicines for children throughout the world. This is a project that has high social instincts and cares about fate and the future for disadvantaged children in the world. This might be the right time for investors and all parties to be able to care about the fate of these disadvantaged children, by following the Pre event
Sale or at the time of the ongoing TokenSale event.
- Beneficial
With you joining and joining the ISKRA community, this will provide opportunities and opportunities for you to progress and develop together. Because this is an ideal investment opportunity. Kerana ISKRA is a fundraising project that has bright prospects in the future, so it will provide profitable cooperation between you and ISKRA later. Welcome to join and be part of this community.
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