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6 лет назад

SUQA - Profitability of mining, Investment potential, Roadmap 2.0

 Hello, guys!Today  I want to talk about a serious topic - the profitability of mining  because of the long bear market. It is no secret that today all  cryptocurrencies that include PoS, PoW and masternodes are experiencing  serious problems. Many users do not understand what is happening in the  cryptocurrency mining market now, as prices have dropped very much and  people have practically abandoned mining. By the way, recently watched a  video on twitter about how chinese throw away ASIC miners to the dump. 

 Bitcoin Network Hash Rate Down 25 Percent from PeakOf  course, the situation is really sad, but do not despair, because  recently there was a new coin on the GPU and CPU mining market called SUQA. The developers of this coin were able to launch a new POW mining algorithm called X22i, which revives the profitability of mining for many users. I was immediately interested in this algorithm.X22i  is an unique PoW algorithm developed by the SUQA team. It is worth  noting that at the moment X22i is the most energy efficient of all the  algorithms on the market, as it works steeper and does not consume a lot  of energy. The algorithm has super stability to ASIC miners and quantum  computers.By the way, guys, CPU mining is very easy and available from  the desktop wallet. GPU mining is available from open source GPU miners  just by adding the server and wallet address.The best hashing miner  software for 1080ti is Cryptodredge because it's currently fastest miner  for x22i. Here download links https://github.com/technobyl/CryptoDredge/releases/tag/v0.11.0What makes SUQA special?It's  no secret that today there are many cryptocurrencies, some of which are  pacifiers. Undoubtedly this is a sad statistics. SUQA developers plan  to become a leader in the cryptocurrency market by creating a  decentralized ecosystem for various charitable organizations and  blockchain startups.Developers reward  miners with SUQA tokens for the speedy implementation of their plans.  They take a 10% сommission that will be used to fund developers and  their various purposes, such as marketing companies, exchanges listing,  website development, legal fees and bounties campaigns.SUQA  coin has a high transaction speed - 533 per second. This is 75 times  higher than bitcoin! Today, this fact is a serious advantage over the  main competitors.I am sure that this is not the limit of possible speed  for developers and it will be even more in the future. There are  practically no transaction fees in the SUQA ecosystem. It's really  great, guys!It is important to note  that SUQA Foundation is only 2 months old, but it already has a large  multilingual community in social networks. The project has an open team  for all users that unites them from all over the world. SUQA is a global  ecosystem that attracts not only experienced miners, but also more  newcomers.

 Investment potential.Now  the market situation makes us look for new options for investment.  There are very few really promising projects on the market that have so  many prominent features, one of which is time locked interest. It  provides all users with a guaranteed opportunity to earn from their term  deposits up to 5% per annum when time locked up to 4 weeks. But there's  more! The developers provide an opportunity for early investors to  receive an interest rate of 25% during the first 3 months! Looks  attractive, doesn't it?I am sure that you should not worry about your  deposit, because the developers of SUQA already have serious partnership  agreements with a very fast, secure, private and automated deposit  escrow service. The SUQA wallet also has a time-lock interest that can  be used for all business or private transactions.In  short, the developers of the project have all the prerequisites to  become one of the leaders in the mining market, so SUQA is an ideal  project for investment. Going forward, I have no doubt that SUQA Team  will continue to follow through on roadmap plans as they have done so  far.Roadmap 2.0Btw, the devs introduced new and updated version of SUQA roadmap 2.0.  The changes they’ve implemented will ensure that SUQA will run smoothly  and will have increased use cases and benefits to the community and the  ecosystem as a whole.

 SUQA White Paper Version 2 will be released on the hard fork date with the latest implementations.
I think It's time to buy more SUQA coins! xD 

 Link to the website  -  https://suqa.org 

 Group in Telegram -  https://t.me/Suqafoundation 

 Official Facebook  - https://www.facebook.com/SUQAFoundation 

 Official Twitter  - https://twitter.com/SUQAfoundation 

 Whitepaper - https://suqa.org/file/2018/11/suqa-whitepaper.pdf 






  My username bitcointalk tolyn1  My profile bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1399242  

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