7 лет назадMore wildflowers / Больше полевых цветов
Here are some photos of wildflowers from the forest we saw on one of our walks.
My GF looked up their names, so say "thank you" 8-).
Speedwell (Veronica), Вероника in Russian:
Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis), Ландыш майский in Russian:
Bugleweed (Ajuga), Живучка in Russian:
Water avens, called purple avens in the colonies (Geum rivale), Гравилат речной in Russian:
Common columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris), Водосбор обыкновенный in Russian:
There were many more, but I don't want to tire you out 8-).
All photos taken with an Olympus Stylus 1s at 42mm