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5 лет назад

Beautiful Sunset at the Beach: Los Angeles


Just sharing a few shots that I took down at the beach here in Los Angeles, California. Of all the places that I've lived around the world, this place has one of the most unique looking skies, in my opinion. We get a lot of weird colors that I don't see a lot of other places. Perhaps it's the smog? Very often the evening sky gets a really strong pinkish tone to it. Not so much on this evening.


I love these evenings when there really aren't many other people around. It can get really crowded at times here. Especially around the holidays and Summer months! There are times when the beach is so packed with tourists that you can hardly get to the water. The worst is probably down at Hermosa Beach! They also have the most invasive police presence. I saw a poor guy get arrested not long ago for drunk walking. He was on his way home after leaving the bar. I guess they weren't having it!


A lot of major Volleyball games go down here on this particular beach. At 6 foot tall I usually feel fairly average height around most people. But I start to feel pretty shrimpy when the 6'5" woman start to arrive at the beach.


And there goes the sun! Thanks for stopping by.

All photos taken with my Canon 7D and 16-35mm f/2.8L

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