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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

I found new love for my Blue Squad

Steem Monsters, for some people a matter of just putting in their heavier than heavier cards. For the ones who didn't buy in like me it is quite a struggle sometimes to level up

Inititally I was most happy with my Death Squad, with a decent level 3 summoner and some gold cards who were preforming good I had nice results. But on your daily quests you get challenged to be creative and that is actually sometimes really perfect.

In the Silver Leage I ran into a lot of bots it seemed who were all playing with the same Life cards and booking good results with that. The only way to get past it was using some Water magic cards and that worked like a charm!


In about 1.5 hour I managed to upgrade my stats from Silver 3 around 1300 to the Diamond Leage 3 with 2800, with mainly playing the Water cards. Occasionally I still played my Death Squad and also the Fire Heroes dropped by when the game asked for it, and I also managed to win my games with this. I was super happy seeing this progress on my own deck, which really means I have gotten a big step forward to last season.


50 cards at the end of the season, here I come!!

0.326 GOLOS
На Golos с May 2018
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