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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Why I love 'The Horn' and you should love it as well


I know, I know, how can you be so stoked on just a simple serie. Well, the thing is this is really a serie about real life. For most people it is about about a life that is so far away from theirs, but for me this is a very closeby reality.

'The Horn' is a serie about the mountain rescue team of Air Zermatt who do all kinds of mountain rescues in this rural and brutal area around the Matterhorn. I hear you thinking:

Rural? But Zermatt is like a throw of a stone away from the mountain? That is not rural!

But in fact it is. Because being on the mountains all of a sudden it means that you are cut off from all sort of normal rescue teams, that normally would come to help you here. And also realisticly, with intensive snow fall a higher altitude village like Zermatt is also often cut off from the road connections, being fully dependent on air traffic. Check out the trailer of the serie:

It is crazy what kind of jobs these guys are doing. Flying out in quite harsh circumstances, shimmying with the number 1 rule of rescue 'Always secure yourself first' , to save a person while certainly also putting their own life at risk. Because realisticly, if you are on a snowed glacier trying to save a dude falling into a deep crevasse, the option that is always there is that you might fall into one yourself. That is something you have to deal with while taking a job like this one. It is a way of life.

Often I see the the next phase of this process in my daily life, when patients are eventually transported to the hospital and getting their further treatment. A lot of these patients are dropped off by helicopter and also all of this is not without risk in the end. But maybe this is why I am so intrigued by these kinds of series. While working, I do not want to know too much background on what happened to somebody, because you never know when this might emotionally might hit you. But it doesn't mean that you do not care. You have to leave your emotions out of what you are doing.

Apart from seeing the whole process from front to end how the rescues take places, you also see loads of beautiful air and nature shots of the area around the Matterhorn. I can literally watch this all day, as I also love to watch free-ride movies. A next thing that I very much appreciate is how respectfull the rescues are projected. Yes, you will see victims and how they are injured, but it is presented as reality and not just to shock you.

I have worked with camera crews around me during my normal work, and I can tell you: It does not make your job easier. There is no room for a take 2, and big stuff is at stake: a human life. So imagine these guys trying to work their A-game already with their limited working space in the sky AND on a mountain AND having a camera crew around them.

That is what I call respect and dedication, and that is exactly why you should watch 'The Horn' as well!

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На Golos с May 2018
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