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5 лет назад

Healthy Tips #Blog-01

Carrots prevent disease:

Img src:Pixabay

Carrot is rich in vitamins and minerals. It increases the immune system. This resulted in cold and cold winter and various diseases.

Winter Vegetable told about the nutritional value and benefits of the carrot. Farah Masuda, Assistant Professor of Food and Nutrition Science Department, Bangladesh International Economics College.

Img src:Pixabay

There are 172 kilocalary power per 100 grams of carrots, 2.8 grams of food grains, 9.6 grams of carbohydrate and 0.93 g of protein.

It contains some vitamins such as 835 mg of beta carotene, 0.66 mg vitamin E, 5.9 mg vitamin C, 0.138 mg vitamin B-6.

The carrots contain several minerals. In every 100 grams of carrots, 3220 mg potassium, 35 mg phosphorus, 33 mg calcium, 69 mg sodium and 12 mg of magnesium are available.

Carrots has many vitamins help keep the body healthy due to the presence of minerals.

Img src:Pixabay

About the benefits of the carrot Farah Masuda said:

There are a lot of vitamins A 'in the carrots, which are beta carotene. Beta carotene in the carrot helps in enhancing eyesight and also helps in removing eye problems.

Antioxidants keep skin healthy and reduce diarrhea. It also helps in cancer prevention and blood purification.

Img src:Pixabay

The carrots have food and antioxidants that keep the blood circulation normal in the arteries. As a result the heart is healthy.

With the help of many minerals, the body helps to keep the body healthy overall.

Carrot improves skin tone and protects against scarring.

Carrot helps to control cholesterol and blood sugar.

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