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5 лет назад

Healthy Tips #Blog-02

The body that does not touch 7 places

You can give your body where you want. However, according to the expert of health experts, stay away from trying to touch 7 parts of the body.

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Know that the 7 places prohibited touching the experts-

It is not with empty hands:

Whenever you do not face your face. A study by Britain's Journal of Applied Microbiolology found that, on average, 23.6 times people, on an average, do not hesitate to work around the mouth or face around the mouth. Especially, during the boredom time. Again, when too busy, at least 6.3 times the hand goes around the face. The germs go away from the finger to the mouth.

No hands in the ear:

Do not push the ears with the finger, and even try not to trick through anything else in the ear. Because, if there is a little bit of it, then the thin screen inside the ear can be torn.

Do not put your hands on your cheeks:

It is better to not touch your face in the face without washing it with soap or face. Because the hands are not only germ, but also oil. If you put a hand on your face or face repeatedly, the skin can cause obstruction due to the trunk of the skin due to the fingers on the finger. Use clean handkerchief for cleaning sweat or face.

Not in the eye:

The advice of aththalmology expert Kimberly Kakaraham, do not give in the morning without washing your eyes while washing the mouth or contact lenses. The germs that are in your hands will be easily visible. If you need to have hands in your eye, then wash hands only if you wash your hands.

Do not touch nurse:

In 2006, a report published by the researcher on the nose, ears and throat patients published 'Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology'. It is claimed that the presence of staphylococcus aureus bacteria in their nasal increased by 51% in those who empty noses in their hands.

The skin below the nail:

The body that does not touch 7 places The most harmful bacteria of the nails is the nipple, the right side of the skin, especially the toe nails. Bacteria nested with nails, bacteria also nestles. So it is better to clean the nails of the nails with empty hands, brush them with anything. Do not cut the nails for the same reason. If the nails are large, the number of bacteria will also increase. So without nails growing, intelligent work is cut.

Do not scratch the back

Because of the worms worn on the rectum, many have pumped. It is better not to do it. If unnecessarily hands-on hands, it can be
reversed. Because the anus is not just sensitive, many harmful bacteria are also homeless. The bacteria can move away from the body when it is punching. Do not forget to clean hands with soap well, if at any time when you give an anal hand.

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