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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



The biggest factor that directs human life is its economic and financial situation. Within this, he has to make his investments very accurately and must follow this stage very well. In order to manage their investments well, they should be very sensitive and evaluate all the benefits. Banking and finance sector is one of the sectors that adopt and use the most developed technology in recent years. If we decrease the fact that the biggest war in the world is in the field of economy, we can perceive the importance of the developments in the financial sector more easily. We can do many things ourselves by using internet and smart devices in digital environment. With the help of institutions or companies that provide information security and the security of our digital assets, we are able to invest in all areas, including outside the borders of the country.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain Technology, which is one of the biggest innovations that technology has provided us in recent years. Blockchain Technology also contributes greatly to the financial and banking sectors. It is used not only in the financial sector but also in all sectors due to its advantages such as high security, transparent structure, decentralization, fast and intermediary. Crypto money, which is the digital assets of the projects created in this platform, offers us various alternatives in the investment sector.

The crypto currency market, which is currently very popular and has a great market value, could not be fully utilized in daily life, although the efforts were made for this, the desired level was not reached yet. Projects created for use as Fiat currencies did not fully solve this problem. Now I want to talk to you about a new project that aims to solve this problem, HUBRİSONE. More detailed information about the project https://www.hubrisone.co my internet address or https://drive.google.com/openid=1enh6bm59mxpmmq8mvkxs68ishxd45l7p are available from the technical investigation report.

HubrisOne is a constructive and successful platform that combines the classic fiat-based banking system and the encryption money wallet. It is a very unique and interesting innovation that includes the use of wallets representing the accounts of traditional banks that have been upgraded and vaccinated from our mobile phones to applications accessible through applications. It allows participants using the Platform to easily open and use new accounts in the form of a bank account in the crypto wallet, which performs all the basic functions of withdrawal and offers the opportunity to deposit as in the currently active banks.

HubrisOne Platform Solutions:

Accounts and Wallets: Users will feel the combination of fiat and crypto, the two components of the financial sector, because we will experience all kinds of money on the same platform, HubrisOne. BTC, ETH, XRP or USD, GBP, EUR. It doesn't matter which currency you want to use, it's a solution that embraces everyone. Manage and spend your accounts and earn HBRS tokens every time you spend. In addition, all you need to open an account is a smartphone and internet connection.

By linking your crypto currency exchange accounts, you will have the opportunity to view your balances and portfolio in one place. You can receive real-time transactions and notifications when paying online or in-store with your HubrisOne card. You'll be able to follow your daily, weekly, monthly account analysis on a regular basis.

Payments and Wire Transfers: You will be able to quickly and cheaply make cross-border payments with fiat or crypto currency.

HubrisOne Token: This is the platform utility. This icon allows rewards, discounts, refunds and more.

Wealth: Link your crypto exchange accounts, see your balance and track performance in one place.

Crypto Lending: HubrisOne's own lending module makes it possible to quickly access liquidity.

DApp Marketplace: This marketplace, finance, insurance and so on. Allows you to access many basic block chain applications.

HubrisOne visa debit card with the crypto world of the traditional financial world, the opportunity to win unlimited rewards.

You can also download the Hubrisone mobile app to your IOS and Android app.

IOS: https://apps.apple.com/za/app/hubrisone/id1447229687
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nettechnocrats.hubrisone.hubrisone

TOKEN and ICO Information:

  • Token Symbol: HBRS
  • Platform: Ethereum (ERC-20)
  • Price: 1 HBRS = 0.01 USD
  • Accepted currency: ETH
  • Softcap: 1.000.000 USD
  • Hardcap: 6.000.000 USD
  • Total token amount: 1,000,000,000 HBRS
  • Amount of token in circulation: 550.000.000 HBRS




When crypto currencies are used in daily life like fiat currencies and all transactions like them are provided, there will be an international recognition, which will lead to a better recognition of the crypto currency market. The success of this project, which aims to achieve this, holds a very important place at this point. I believe that this project will be successful and I strongly recommend you to support and believe in this project by visiting the links below to get more detailed information about the project and you can decide to join the ICO stage yourself.


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На Golos с January 2019
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