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6 лет назад

Places to keep your hardware wallet safe

Usual household objects can become a stash for your hardware wallet. Below you will find a list of places to keep your flash drive safe.

In books

Take and open a book, turn around twenty pages, put a flash drive there and outline its contour with a pencil. Carefully cut a hole along the contour. Put the flash driver in a new-cut stash, close the book and put it on the shelf. Remove all evidence of damaging the book.

In socks

Open the drawer with underwear, take a pair of old socks and unscrew it. Put the flash driver inside the socks and put it in the drawer. In order not to attract much attention fold all the socks neatly and tidy up in the drawer. Don’t let your girlfriend check it, keep all your things and clothes in perfect order.

**Inside clock **

If you don’t have a clock with a stash — no problem. Use what you have. Take the clock off the wall, remove the batteries, put a sheet of your hardware wallet password in the batteries holder and put the batteries back. It will be hard to forget about such a stash because it will always be right in front of you.

**In a flower pot **

IKEA pot with an artificial flower can be a good variant for a stash. Put a flash driver on the bottom of the pot and an artificial flower above it.

Behind a painting

You can stick the sheet with the password from the back of the canvas or shove it under the frame. If painting is your hobby — draw a password and hide it under the inks.

**Among dirty laundry **

If thieves break into your flat there is a tiny chance they will look for money or a flash drive in a dirty laundry. Especially if you throw dirty sweaty socks on top of it. Pack the flash drive in a vacuum bag in advance and stick it to the bottom of the dirty laundry bag. 100% secure.

**In a shampoo bottle **

Wash and dry an empty bottle. Pack a flash driver in a plastic bag and wrap it with a duct tape for more safety. Put the flash drive in a dry bottle and put it where it always stands — on the bathroom table.

In a box of cereal

A box of cereal is a perfect hidden place. Put the packed wallet at the very bottom and sprinkle the cereal above. But remember not to cook it for dinner.

Inside a pillow

Buy several small pillows with different zipped pillowcases. You can use these pillows as a place to hide your wallet and it will become much more cosy. Take a selfie with this pillow and save the image on your phone to remember where you put the wallet.

Behind a baseboard

There is a little space inside plastic baseboards which is ideal for the small USB flash. Put your hardware wallet there — it is the most secure place. Here you also can put a sheet with the password.

**Inside a doorjamb **

A bit of fuss with nails, but if you take the door off the hinges and take the box apart— you will be a success to make a good place for the hand-made lockbox. You can shove both a small USB and a sheet with the password inside a doorjamb.

Any place at home is a potential stash. Put all your efforts to show the ingenuity of a trader to make a real storehouse out of common objects.

Good luck and profits!

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